Learn more about Aalto Archives via the official web page.
Aalto Archives 3D models on Sketchfab
The ceramics collection is being digitized into 360 degree spins and 3D models through a process called photogrammetry. The assets are hosted on Sketchfab.com where models can be examined on a screen or even with VR headsets. The hosting is sponsored by their cultural heritage program which supports the preservation and sharing of cultural and historical artefacts.
Ceramics collection Aalto Archive on finna.fi
Date range: 1963 –
Extent: ~3500 objects
Content: ceramic and glass objects
Permissions: Non-commercial use in learning and research permissible, other uses of student works subject to permission.
The collection has been used as a pedagogical archive documenting the development of teaching in the field of ceramics and glass and includes insigts into teaching materials, techniques and firing temperatures, glazing experiments and decoration methods. Approx. 5% of the objects have been prepared by students of of glass design.
Aalto Stories –
Celebrating the 150th anniversary of higher education in industrial arts. Photo and video essay
Aalto University picture database
*** You may need to be in the Aalto Network for the link to work ***
Aalto University activities that generate visual material are digitized and stored with the university archive and the Raami picture database. The material is owned by Aalto University Learning Center or is a part of Aalto Archives. The database contains material related to the university, studies and student life, research material such as photos, drawings, paintings and sculptures.
Aalto-yliopiston toiminnasta syntynyttä kuva-aineistoa digitoidaan ja tallennetaan yliopiston arkiston ja Oppimiskeskuksen yhteistyönä Raami-kuvatietokantaan niiden pitkäaikaissäilytystä, ja niihin kohdistuvaa tutkimusta ja tietopalvelua varten. Aineistot kuuluvat Aalto-yliopiston Oppimiskeskuksen tai arkiston kokoelmiin sisältäen yliopiston ja sen edeltäjien toimintaan, tiloihin sekä opiskeluun ja tutkimukseen liittyviä digitoituja ja syntysähköisiä kuva-aineistoja, kuten dokumentoivia valokuvia, piirustuksia, maalauksia ja esinekuvia.
Kylikki Salmenhaara ceramics archive on Raami.fi
*** You may need to be in the Aalto Network for the link to work ***
Kerttu Kyllikki Salmenhaara (14.7.1915-13.7.1981) was one of the most significant ceramics artists of her time. She worked, among others places, for Arabia glass & ceramics factory as an artist. More information in the Finnish Wikipedia article.
Kerttu Kyllikki Salmenhaara (14. heinäkuuta 1915 Tyrnävä – 13. heinäkuuta 1981 Helsinki) oli suomalainen keramiikkataiteilija. Hän toimi muun muassa Arabian tehtaan taiteilijana. Hän oli aikansa merkittävimpiä keramiikkataiteilijoita.[1]- Wikipedia

Other Photogrammetry Galleries from Aalto
If you’d like to see more models made with the same technique check out the Edurock Virtual Rock Collection, which is turning Aalto University’s physical rock and mineral sample collection into a digital online learning asset made by Civil Engineering Department in Aalto University.: