24 Days of December

Here’s a little thing to lighten up the dark December days on campus! A daily discovery awaits the fastest and firstest person to figure out our daily clue posted on Instagram at 9.00 in the morning.

Here’s how to participate

We post a clue in our Instagram feed at 9.00. You can follow us at @aaltostudios or follow the hashtag #aaltostudios24 to stay up-to-date.

The daily clue reveals a location, most often on the Otaniemi Campus, but not necessarily. Sometimes a coded passphrase may be revealed. Upon discovering the hidden prize, the winner takes all – we just ask you to post on Instagram using #aaltostudios24 to let others know they’ve been beat, and to let us congratulate you even more. Runners up can also post and we’ll do our best at being supportive.

The event runs from Dec 1st to Dec 24th. Contact us for more information.