Aalto Digital Creatives advert for open call

Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications

The program is looking for individuals or teams with a business idea where creativity meets digital technology. The deadline for applications is on 11.9.2022 and the program runs from October to December.  

In March 2022 Aalto University launched the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program which aims to strengthen the creative industries in innovation and entrepreneurial activities. During the program, Aalto University’s strong innovation ecosystem supports participants in developing their concepts for the creative industry while learning key entrepreneurial skills. 

Applications are accepted from students, researchers and practitioners with a creative industry background. Applicants don’t need to have previous business experience. The selection criteria emphasizes the applicant’s idea and potential for developing it into a sustainable business.  The business ideas could be inspired by, but are not limited to the following topics: 

  • new methods and formats for audiovisual storytelling 
  • technology enhanced art, design, and entertainment 
  • augmentation of human creativity through computational methods 
  • creation of novel interactive experiences 

Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator is a part of Campus Incubators network supported by the City of Helsinki. In Aalto University the program is coordinated by Aalto Startup Center and Aalto Studios. 

Learn more and apply via the Aalto Digital Creatives website.