What is Aalto Studios?

Aalto Studios is the newest piece of university wide infrastructure at Aalto University. We bring together designers, filmmakers, youtubers, game developers, communicators, performing artists, educators, angel investors, public-sector operators… anyone who has an interest in using and exploring media platforms for their studies and research.

We’re building a Media Centre of the future, where teaching, experimentation and product development can stay apace with the ever developing digital society. We’re actually building a new building, which will be home for events, consultation and production.

Right now, we already facilitate a long list of activities at Aalto. Film, TV and video in general, games and animation, VR/AR/XR, product- and user experience testing, sensor data-analysis, internet based communication, the digitalization of teaching and maker culture inspired world of fast prototyping. To name a few.

For the future, we’re prototyping a number of new products and services that will find a home in the new building. We welcome co-development and invite you to join us in doing so.

Where does Aalto Studios come from?

Aalto Studios was established in November 2016 on the foundation provided by Media Centre Lume and Aalto Media Factory, earlier entities that served both the high end media production scene in Finland, as well as the starting-out indie media student looking for guidance. Through this merger, we now run the full gamut; the entry-level quick and easy, and the painstakingly pro.

A new building. Or two.

We are building up not just one, but two facilities at the Aalto University’s Otaniemi Campus.

People. Expertise.

Not just rooms and gear, we also have people to guide you through planning and producing your projects.

Find Us

While waiting for our new building projects to complete, we can be found at 5 locations in Espoo and Helsinki.

Contact Us

Ask us anything, we’ll take it from there.