Biodesign Diagnostic Co-creation Workshop – focus on needs for change and improvement

What is the state of bio-design now, and what could it become in the future?

Join the CoCoon Workshop to develop green practices for education, featuring keynote speakers by leading experts working with innovative approaches towards the future of environmentally-sustainable creative societies.

The interactive half-day workshop brings together creatives, policymakers, educators, students, and other stakeholders from the EU and beyond, committed to share experiences and develop new knowledge for a greener future through bio-design.

CoCoon – Co-creating Greener Futures: Developing and Transferring Innovative Bio-Design Modules for education to Accelerate the Green Transitionis a strategic alliance and collaboration across 5 European education and research institutions, funded by the European Union Erasmus+. This project aims empower people to find alternative ways of transferring to a more environmentally-sustainable way of making. It also advocates sustainable open access policy to workshops (Green Labs) that enable the use of bio-based products and materials.

Workshop Details


12 September 2023, 12.45 – 16.30

(until 18.30 for optional film screening & networking)


Aalto Studios

Otakaari 7, 02150 Espoo


Event Language


Everybody‭ ‬is welcome to join‭, ‬explore and discuss the‭ ‬futures of biodesign‭! ‬


12.45 – 13.00

Doors open, reception and refreshments

13.00 – 13.15

Welcome and introduction to CoCoon

13.15 – 14.30

Keynote speakers on biodesign and green innovation:

“Biodesign: State of the Art

Pirjo Kääriäinen – Professor of Design and Materialities, Aalto University – CHEMARTS

Policies towards Biodesign

Petra TarjanneMinisterial Adviser at Innovations and Enterprise Financing Department on Creative Economy

Barriers and opportunities for mainstreaming biodesign education and practices”

Gabriel Patrocinio & Carla Paoliello – Professors at Lusófona University

—– Coffee Break ——

14.45 – 16.30

Co-creation workshop with participants

Future trajectories with biodesign

(16.30 – 18.30)

Optional networking and film screening “Biocentrics”

Register Now

Registration Link

*Please note that this workshop event will involve audio and visual recordings. Transcripts and images may be reproduced in whole or in part in use for scientific research and communication purposes.


For questions regarding this event, please contact Ena Naito (project researcher). │+358 50 464 4304