Digital Fabrication Studio

Digital Fabrication Studio is a course with a focus on rapid prototyping tools such as laser cutters, 3D printers, and CNC routers.

Through the course, students are able to learn the fundamentals of digital fabrication. During this one-month intensive course, the attendees will learn what the FabLab is, what tools are available and how to use them.

The participants will be required to iterate on a project of your choice, exploring computer-aided design (CAD) software and one or more numerical control (NC) machines available at the Aalto Fablab. Every week the course will start with short project presentations by the students and the students are expected to document their work during the course.

After the course, students should have a general overview of what a Fablab is and what to expect from it. The course expects students to have a better understanding of CAD software and the machine they will use to fabricate the final project.