ERASMUS+ funding for FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education

The Aalto Fablab here at Aalto Studios is a partner in a new project “FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education”, joining Fablab peers from Poland, France, Portugal and Iceland. Coordination is handled by Warsztaty Kultury W Lublinie in Poland, the two year effort starting in November 2019 supported by funding from the Erasmus+ programme.

As open access spaces for the public, Fablabs are supposed to democratize the digital fabrication tools (3D printers, milling machines etc.) in an inclusive learning environment. This joint project, FABLABs, aims to recognise the best practices of teaching new technologies for adult learners. The project will exchange experiences and good practices among the partners. The specific goals are knowledge sharing, studying ways to apply the concept of a Fablab to adult education, the developing of pedagogical skills of the staff of the Fablabs, strengthening cooperation, networking in Europe and strengthening the international dimensions of the organizations participating in the project.

For more information, contact Juhani Tenhunen and Krisjanis Rijnieks at Aalto Studios