Aalto Studios is the media center of the future. It goes live in 2020 at the heart of the Otaniemi campus.
But how do we make sure it’s not just another building? Can we turn it into a space where you’d like to hang out, play video games, have barbecues, shoot and watch movies regardless if you have overalls or not?
On October 31st, we invite people to hack into the black box of Aalto Studios and come up with new ways of using it: as a community space, a shared resource, a playground of new technologies or a place where you can experiment and go all the way pro into film, media, VR, sound design and other exciting stuff.
Register by October 24th at https://studios.aalto.fi/hackathon and join us Registration has now closed for this day of ideation, teamwork, pitches, applause, pizza and mingling. But most importantly, build Aalto Studios together with us into something worth of 2020.
Free of charge, open for everyone. For more, see https://studios.aalto.fi/hackathon
Hackathon programme
Coffee and getting to know each other
Introductions by the jury members
Challenges announced
Team formation and ideation session
(we’ll provide the background information)
Lunch (served in the event space)
Jury discusses the projects and announces the winning teams
Pizza, beers and mingling