Interested in AR and VR? Like breakfast?

Join us on Thursday, 14.12 for breakfast and a morning of AR and VR conversations and demos hosted by Aalto Studios’ in our canteen space at Otakaari 7!

This event serves as a stage for researchers, students, artists, scientists and AR/VR enthusiasts to showcase and learn about existing and future work in the area. As an ever-growing diverse group of professionals turn their attention to the AR and VR space, the potential capabilities — theoretical, practical and technical — continue to expand rapidly.

This Digi and Experience Breakfast continues a series of breakfast events produced by the Aalto Digi Platform, and features academic and industry professionals from Aalto University, Helsinki University, FakeGraphics, Umbra Software and VTT.

If you’re at all interested in what’s happening in the Helsinki region as it relates to augmented and virtual realities — and like a bit of breakfast — this is an event for you!

How to join:

Find the full program here, and register to attend here. We’ll see you at Aalto Studios’ on 14.12!