Open application for freelance work

We are always on the lookout for AV and VR talent for projects, events, workshops and courses. If you're a professional in sound, videography, editing, animation, VR/XR or any other media related field, we would like to add you to our contact list for freelance work.

Similarly, if you're looking to perform your civilian service duty, or have an upcoming trainee period coming up in your studies, we may have openings for these type of positions, too.

Tell us about your experience

What kinds of settings have you previously worked in?

Experience in years

What positions are you interested in?

Civilian service positions

From time to time, we have openings for short term work suitable for performing a mandatory non-military service period.

Personal tools at hand

If you have your own equipment or software in use, you can give us spesifics here

CV and references

Send us up to 5 files showing your CV, portfolio or references

Add one more file

Links for us to check out

Such as your personal site, feeds and channels in online services, or mentions on other sites

Add one more link

Contact information

Privacy overview

This data is stored for and used by only Aalto Studios on Aalto University servers for this explicit purpose and is not shared with other parties. We value your privacy and will keep this data private to our best ability.

To review or remove this data, contact us at

What is Aalto Studios?

Aalto Studios is the centre of media at Aalto University, an international science and art community.

We provide media production resources and expertise for all members and close affiliates. Browse through this site to see who we are and what we do.

Starting 2025, our headquarters are in the Marsio building in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland. We also have operations at Otakaari 5L and Otakaari 7, all on the same campus.


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