
Archive results for these kinds of items

  • OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    Do you want a space to creatively experiment with growing algae, microbes, or plants? We are looking for two students/researchers to carry out their bio-projects in the DIY GrowLab, which is in development and getting ready to be launched. DEADLINE for applications: Friday May 31 2024 Notification of results by: Friday June 7, 2024 APPLY…

  • Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari

    Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari

    This week and next, Studio Kipsari and Aalto Studios are playing host to Valoa!, an exhibition of artfully-crafted student-designed lamps from the Design Tools course, led by Enni Äijälä. These designers are first year BA Design students, and haven’t yet decided what discipline of design they’ll focus on in their studies, so the lamps serve as a grounds of…

  • Jon Fabritius

    Jon Fabritius

    Internet communication design and development consulting, teaching and software development at the Web Studio. Communication and space related development projects at the Aalto Studios in general.

  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of its machines and capabilities. Krisjanis has graduated Fab Academy from Fab Lab Barcelona and holds a MA diploma from Aalto Media Lab. He developed projection mapping tool ofxPiMapper (a projection mapping tool for the…

  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of…

  • Jon Fabritius

    Jon Fabritius

    Internet communication design and development consulting, teaching and software development at the Web Studio. Communication and space related development projects at…

  • Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari

    Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari

    This week and next, Studio Kipsari and Aalto Studios are playing host to Valoa!, an exhibition of artfully-crafted student-designed lamps from the Design Tools course,…

  • OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    Do you want a space to creatively experiment with growing algae, microbes, or plants? We are looking for two students/researchers to…