ACE Producers Examining New Forms for Audiovisual Storytelling

Our partner’s ACE Producers’ 27th annual training programme got off to a good start in Helsinki last week in a Content Development Workshop supported by Aalto University. Along with other topics, their week-long workshop focused on examining new forms and formats for audiovisual storytelling.

We spent an interesting evening with ACE at our Kallio Stage talking about the future of VR in the concept of filmmaking.

Aalto Studios COO Marcus Korhonen introduced the ACE producers with the concept of the new era media centre that we’re planning here at Aalto Studios.

”We’re going to create the best facilities in the world for film and media studies where actors such as game designers, filmmakers, architects and engineers can all work together.”

He was followed by guests who presented their initiatives on VR.

Project Manager & Researcher at Virtual Cinema Lab at Aalto University, Synes Elischka, showed his cinematic VR short film EGO CURE (in production). Director and owner of Make Films Leandro Righini talked about interactive 360 video as the future of film making.

The producers also got to try out Varjo’s transformatioanl Bionic Display™ VR technology.