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MAGICS-Aalto Community Event

Welcome to the second MAGICS community event of this semester! The community gathers together people from the fields of media, arts, games, interaction, computing and science.

In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The next event takes place in the Odeion theatre, Maarintie 8, Espoo, on 17 November at 16:00–18:00. The event is free, but requires registration.

Our purpose is to bring together people from different backgrounds and inspire new encounters and new ideas through high-level speakers and performers, as well as possibility for open and free discussion. 


16:00 Welcome and introductions
Mikko Sams, Professor of Neuroscience, Brain and Mind Laboratory Director of MAGICS, Aalto University 

16:10 UNRULY RELATIONS – on art & science practices
Laura Beloff, Associate Professor and the Head of Doctoral Education in the Department of Art & Media (DAM), Aalto University

The talk will introduce some of the interests of the speaker as an artist and researcher, which often evolve around questions about biology and technology and human evolution. The shared cultural understanding of biological and ‘natural’ are evolving with the development of science, technology and biotechnologies, as well as recently also in the evolving field of art & science. Today, we are experiencing increasing blurring of the categories that divide organisms to biologically evolved or artificially created ones. The divider between these two categories appears to be human culture and activity. The talk will present artistic thinking and questions concerning these issues and beyond. 

17:00 Discussion

17:30 Refreshments

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