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Call for applications: Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme
Deadline for applications is 10.2.2025. The Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme has opened its first call for applications. Previously the pre-incubator operated as the Aalto Digital Creatives programme. Aalto Creatives welcomes applications with a business idea rooted in any sector of the creative industries. The programme is looking for applicants with a background in the creative…
Aalto Creative Demo Day
4.12.2024 | 13-17.30 (UTC +2 / EET)Online & Marsio Stage | Otakaari 2, Espoo Welcome to Aalto Creative Demo Day where this autumn’s creative industry pre-incubator participants take the stage to pitch their business concepts in front of an expert jury. The teams’ versatile startup ideas relate to fashion, extended reality, design, architecture, digital modeling,…
Call for applications: Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme accepts applications until 16.9.2024. The programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Application form In the programme, participants learn how to develop and protect their business idea, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches. The programme seeks applicants from a creative…
Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants in the programme will acquire skills in business idea development and protection, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches to diverse audiences. The programme seeks applicants from a…
Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants in the programme will acquire skills in business idea development and protection, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches to diverse audiences. The programme seeks applicants from a…
Art & Tech Open Call ’23 Demo Day
Aalto Studios invites you to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day where you have the chance to find out more about the Open Call ’23 and experience Aalto Studios’ state-of-the-art facilities. The Art & Tech Open Call ‘23 partners with the City of Helsinki, Yle, AVEK and Genelec to award the winning projects with…
Art & Tech Open Call ’23
Are you an artist, designer, game developer or creative professional with an innovative project that blends technology and art? We are excited to announce the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call ’23, which is designed to support cutting-edge projects that harness the capabilities of digitalisation to fuel the creative industries. The Aalto Digital…
Art & Tech Gala 2023
Welcome to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Gala. In this event, the Art & Tech Open Call winners from 2020-2022 showcase their projects in on-stage presentations and off-stage demos. The annual Art & Tech Open Call offers audiovisual, design, gaming and other cutting-edge projects an opportunity to apply for development funding and a chance to…
Aalto Digital Creatives afterwork – Entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries
Welcome to the entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries afterwork event. In this event, creative industry experts discuss the characteristics of creative industry entrepreneurship and the often-looming conflict in combining arts and business. The event includes an introduction of the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program and the Art & Tech Open Call, which both accept applications…
Creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications
The program is looking for individuals or teams with a business idea where creativity meets digital technology. The deadline for applications is on 14.2.2023 and the program runs from March to June. In March 2022 Aalto University launched the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program which aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on…
MAGICS-Aalto Community Event
Welcome to the second MAGICS community event of this semester! The community gathers together people from the fields of media, arts, games, interaction, computing and science. In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The next event takes place in the Odeion theatre, Maarintie 8, Espoo, on 17 November at 16:00–18:00. The…
Creative Technologies Seminar
We warmly welcome you to the second Creative Technologies seminar on the 6 October 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised in Harald Herlin Learning Centre on the Hybrid Stage in Makerspace (K-floor) and online. The seminar series brings researchers and experts together from the fields of computational science, creative technologies, arts and design. In…
Creative Technologies Seminar
We warmly welcome you to the first Creative Technologies seminar on the 8 September 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised in V002 Saastamoisen Säätiö, Ekonominaukio 1, Espoo. The seminar series brings researchers and experts together from the fields of computational science, creative technologies, arts and design. In these events you will have a chance…
Aalto Digital Creatives info session
We welcome you to the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program’s info session. Time: Tuesday 30.8.2022 | 11:30–12:30 Place: Aalto Startup Center 1st floor lounge | A Grid, Otakaari 5, Espoo At the info session you have the chance to meet the Aalto Digital Creatives team and find out more about the program’s contents and the…
Introducing Art & Tech Open Call ’22 finalists
This year, the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call final takes place on stage at the Media Lab Demo Day event on 1.6.2022. The jury has selected nine projects into the final where each team must give a pitch in front of a live audience. The teams have a short window of three…
MAGICS Community Event 21.4.2022
Time: Thursday 21.4.2022 | 16:00–18:00 Place: A Grid | Mordor In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The fifth monthly event takes place in the Mordor, A Grid, Otakaari 5, Espoo, on 21 April at 16:00–18:00. Our purpose is to bring together people from different backgrounds and inspire new…
Creative Technologies Recruitment
Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Technologies (all areas) at Aalto University, Finland Aalto, one of the most forward-looking universities in the world, is looking for an assistant/associate professor at the intersection of computational sciences and arts or design. Excellent candidates apply novel computational methods to augment human creativity and imagination in a variety of…
Abstracting Archetypes – Costume Design Master Class
In the Abstracting Archetypes master class, costume design students brought commedia dell’artes archetypal characters to life through sculptural costumes, put together in Aalto Studios’ costume workshop. The one-week master class was led by the artist Marta Jiménez Salcedo. After a deep understanding of these archetypical personalities and their psychological traits, the students were asked to…
Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium followed by a concert in Kallio Stage 15.11.
What does our relationship with music and musical instruments look like today, as digital technologies are enabling new instruments and new interfaces, and intersecting our lives with the ways we interact with them? Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium brought together expert scholars, artists and practitioners to discuss and explore how these…
Materiaalit valloillaan – Materials in Full Power
At the Aalto Studios Gallery, a new exhibition from the costume design students at the Department of Film Television and Scenography. Materials as Expressions in Costume Design Material plays a role in the costume design when building up a role for the actor or actress. The materials in a costume have visual and narrative roles…
ELO 60 Costume Exhibition
The study and research of Costume Design at Aalto University explores the creation, production and function of costume in all areas of the performing arts and in mediated storytelling. As the Department of Film, Television and Scenography (ELO) celebrates it’s 60th birthday, this exhibition in the Väre Main Lobby highlights a collection of works from…
Aalto students project for Prague Quadrennial
Students from Aalto University will again be attending the 14th edition of the largest international festival of theater and stage design take place from June 6 to 16, 2019 in Prague. Over the course of eleven days, representatives of 79 countries will present at Prague Quadrennial, with over 800 artists from around the world, and…
Eloseminaari 2018: Working Together to Showcase Our People
The School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) annual Eloseminaari was held at Gumbostrand Konst & Form on the 22nd of August 2018, opening the academic year in a traditional way at the Sipoo venue. Aalto Studios staff attended the seminar that’s program was built around the question “How can we empower and showcase our…
“Weimar” premieres at Kallio Stage, Friday 6.4
Weimar, a performance by faculty and students at Uniarts Helsinki, as well as Aalto University, premieres at Aalto Studios’ Kallio Stage in Sörnäinen on Friday, 6.4. The striking trailer for the performance, above, was filmed at Kallio Stage and features performers’ surreal movements in the stark stage space. A couple of stills of the trailer follow…
Come and see Lightboard in action
On 9.4, from 13–14.30, Join us to see new visualisation tool Lightboard in action. Lightboard is a transparent drawing board for recording chalk or whiteboard type presentations easily by drawing — and it looks great on video. Welcome, and come see how easy and enjoyable it is to use Lightboard! Lightboard is a project by Arttu…
ÄÄNIAALTO III a weird, roaring success
With the speakers stored away and the lights turned out at Vapaan Taiteen Tila, the third annual — and most successful yet — edition of Ääniaalto came to a close 10.3, Saturday evening. Running since 2016, the sound festival is produced and run by DADA, Aalto Media Lab’s student association. The weeklong event featured talks, installations, experimental music…
Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari
This week and next, Studio Kipsari and Aalto Studios are playing host to Valoa!, an exhibition of artfully-crafted student-designed lamps from the Design Tools course, led by Enni Äijälä. These designers are first year BA Design students, and haven’t yet decided what discipline of design they’ll focus on in their studies, so the lamps serve as a grounds of…
Brace your ears: ÄÄNIAALTO III is coming to Kallio Stage
Ääniaalto, a wide-ranging festival dedicated to all things sound and new media, featuring works, installations and performances by students at Aalto University’s Media Lab in parallel with artists in the new media scene, will take place next month at Aalto Studios’ Kallio Stage and Vapaan Taiteen Tila in Helsinki. The call for works is still open until 11.2. Now in it’s…
Aalto students bring life to a Wonderland for annual winter musical by Uniarts Helsinki
In Aalto Studios’ costume studio and set construction workshop Tjaša Frumen and Elina Ström, both MA students in Costume Design, and Oscar Dempsey, MA student in Design for Performing Arts, are hard at work on imaginative costumes and set designs for “Ihmemaa,” a musical production led by students at University of the Arts Helsinki. “Ihmemaa” translates to “wonderland,” as this year’s…
Students from Aalto Media Lab to present interactive projects at Kallio Stage
MA students in New Media will present work they created at the Aalto Fablab on Thursday, December 7th at Aalto Studios’ Kallio Stage. The presentations will begin at 19.00. In the course, Physical Interaction Design, students were challenged to “reimagine how [they] interact with the physical world,” according to participating first-year MA student Shreyasi Kar. The course…
A life Premiere at Kallio Stage
Uniarts Helsinki Theatre Academy and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture present a collaboration piece called a life. The piece will have its premiere on Thursday 16th November at 7pm at Aalto Studios Kallio Stage, Pengerkatu 11 A, Helsinki. This is how the piece is described at their site: “A life suggests a translation of the philosophical concept…
Scale Modeling in the 3D Era
High-end 3D modeling, computer graphics and apps. Are physical scale models in set design needed anymore? The answer is yes. Along other purposes, the tactile model is still the best hands-on tool for scenographer to provide a strong visual presentation of how the design will look like in its real size. The Scale Model Course,…
BA Student Joona Huotari’s Costumes in Rinaldo Opera
Aalto University BA student from Costume Design, Joona Huotari, is designing the costumes for G.F Händel’s Opera Rinaldo. The opera is produced by Juvenalia Music Institute, for the first time in Finland. The dancers’ costumes have been created at Aalto Studios atelier and most of the soloists’ costumes at Vantaa Vocational College Varia. Earlier this week Rinaldo, (and…
Surface Texture and Light Course Open Demo
Surface Texture and Light course has an open demo on Friday 13th October at 1pm in Lintulahdenkatu 3, Helsinki. All Aalto people are welcome. If chromatics, dramaturgy or space and light design are an area of interest for you, the demo might be worth visiting. The collaboration course for Scenography students at Aalto University and…
Other/Cinema Screening Series at Kallio Stage by Critical Cinema Lab
Other/Cinema screening and discussion series by Critical Cinema Lab commences on September 28th at our newly opened Kallio Stage in Helsinki. Other/Cinema series deals with the theme of ‘Other’ from a variety of perspectives, relating to marginalized themes, topics, forms or distribution and markets. The series explores the ways films can connect to the acute debates…
Welcome New Students!
Our building at Otakaari 7 was suddenly packed yesterday when the new Aalto students were getting to know Aalto Studios as part of their orientation program. They were introduced with our services, production facilities, workshop studios and venues. They were delighted to hear that they can borrow equipment for their projects or get personal assistance…
Finding New Ways of Working at ARTS Eloseminaari
Aalto Studios participated in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) Eloseminaari 2017 at Gumbostrand Konst & Form in Sipoo about the One Campus project. It’s exciting times for the whole Aalto University when the new center of Otaniemi, the Väre building, is becoming more and more tangible. We discussed about the development of Väre…
Finding New Ways of Working at ARTS Eloseminaari
Aalto Studios participated in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) Eloseminaari 2017 at Gumbostrand Konst & Form in Sipoo…
Welcome New Students!
Our building at Otakaari 7 was suddenly packed yesterday when the new Aalto students were getting to know Aalto Studios as…
Other/Cinema Screening Series at Kallio Stage by Critical Cinema Lab
Other/Cinema screening and discussion series by Critical Cinema Lab commences on September 28th at our newly opened Kallio Stage in Helsinki. Other/Cinema…
Surface Texture and Light Course Open Demo
Surface Texture and Light course has an open demo on Friday 13th October at 1pm in Lintulahdenkatu 3, Helsinki. All Aalto…
BA Student Joona Huotari’s Costumes in Rinaldo Opera
Aalto University BA student from Costume Design, Joona Huotari, is designing the costumes for G.F Händel’s Opera Rinaldo. The opera is…
Scale Modeling in the 3D Era
High-end 3D modeling, computer graphics and apps. Are physical scale models in set design needed anymore? The answer is yes. Along…
A life Premiere at Kallio Stage
Uniarts Helsinki Theatre Academy and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture present a collaboration piece called a life. The piece…
Students from Aalto Media Lab to present interactive projects at Kallio Stage
MA students in New Media will present work they created at the Aalto Fablab on Thursday, December 7th at Aalto Studios’…
Aalto students bring life to a Wonderland for annual winter musical by Uniarts Helsinki
In Aalto Studios’ costume studio and set construction workshop Tjaša Frumen and Elina Ström, both MA students in Costume Design, and Oscar Dempsey, MA student in…
Brace your ears: ÄÄNIAALTO III is coming to Kallio Stage
Ääniaalto, a wide-ranging festival dedicated to all things sound and new media, featuring works, installations and performances by students at Aalto University’s Media Lab…
Student Lamp Design Exhibition now open in Studio Kipsari
This week and next, Studio Kipsari and Aalto Studios are playing host to Valoa!, an exhibition of artfully-crafted student-designed lamps from the Design Tools course,…
ÄÄNIAALTO III a weird, roaring success
With the speakers stored away and the lights turned out at Vapaan Taiteen Tila, the third annual — and most successful yet — edition…
Come and see Lightboard in action
On 9.4, from 13–14.30, Join us to see new visualisation tool Lightboard in action. Lightboard is a transparent drawing board for recording…
“Weimar” premieres at Kallio Stage, Friday 6.4
Weimar, a performance by faculty and students at Uniarts Helsinki, as well as Aalto University, premieres at Aalto Studios’ Kallio Stage…
Eloseminaari 2018: Working Together to Showcase Our People
The School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) annual Eloseminaari was held at Gumbostrand Konst & Form on the 22nd of…
Aalto students project for Prague Quadrennial
Students from Aalto University will again be attending the 14th edition of the largest international festival of theater and stage design…
ELO 60 Costume Exhibition
The study and research of Costume Design at Aalto University explores the creation, production and function of costume in all areas…
Materiaalit valloillaan – Materials in Full Power
At the Aalto Studios Gallery, a new exhibition from the costume design students at the Department of Film Television and Scenography.…
Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium followed by a concert in Kallio Stage 15.11.
What does our relationship with music and musical instruments look like today, as digital technologies are enabling new instruments and new…
Abstracting Archetypes – Costume Design Master Class
In the Abstracting Archetypes master class, costume design students brought commedia dell’artes archetypal characters to life through sculptural costumes, put together…
Creative Technologies Recruitment
Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Technologies (all areas) at Aalto University, Finland Aalto, one of the most forward-looking universities in…
MAGICS Community Event 21.4.2022
Time: Thursday 21.4.2022 | 16:00–18:00 Place: A Grid | Mordor In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the…
Introducing Art & Tech Open Call ’22 finalists
This year, the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call final takes place on stage at the Media Lab Demo…
Aalto Digital Creatives info session
We welcome you to the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program’s info session. Time: Tuesday 30.8.2022 | 11:30–12:30 Place: Aalto Startup Center…
Creative Technologies Seminar
We warmly welcome you to the first Creative Technologies seminar on the 8 September 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised…
Creative Technologies Seminar
We warmly welcome you to the second Creative Technologies seminar on the 6 October 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised…
MAGICS-Aalto Community Event
Welcome to the second MAGICS community event of this semester! The community gathers together people from the fields of media, arts,…
Creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications
The program is looking for individuals or teams with a business idea where creativity meets digital technology. The deadline for applications…
Aalto Digital Creatives afterwork – Entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries
Welcome to the entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries afterwork event. In this event, creative industry experts discuss the characteristics of creative…
Art & Tech Gala 2023
Welcome to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Gala. In this event, the Art & Tech Open Call winners from…
Art & Tech Open Call ’23
Are you an artist, designer, game developer or creative professional with an innovative project that blends technology and art? We are…
Art & Tech Open Call ’23 Demo Day
Aalto Studios invites you to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day where you have the chance to find…
Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the…
Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the…
Call for applications: Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme accepts applications until 16.9.2024. The programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on…
Aalto Creative Demo Day
4.12.2024 | 13-17.30 (UTC +2 / EET)Online & Marsio Stage | Otakaari 2, Espoo Welcome to Aalto Creative Demo Day where…
Call for applications: Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme
Deadline for applications is 10.2.2025. The Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme has opened its first call for applications. Previously the pre-incubator operated…