Students from Aalto Media Lab to present interactive projects at Kallio Stage

MA students in New Media will present work they created at the Aalto Fablab on Thursday, December 7th at Aalto Studios’ Kallio Stage. The presentations will begin at 19.00.

In the course, Physical Interaction Design, students were challenged to “reimagine how [they] interact with the physical world,” according to participating first-year MA student Shreyasi Kar. The course was primarily held in the Fablab, where the students made use of several available technologies, including 3D modelling and printing, CNC milling, laser cutting, and sensors to bring their ideas to life.

The projects make use of technologies as diverse as brain-wave detection, gesture tracking, machine learning, sound installation, and motion capture.

How to

See the students’ presentations at Kallio Stage on 7.12 at 19.00. For more information, contact course leader Koray Tahiroğlu.

The heading image to this post shows MA student John Lee’s work for the course.

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