Master your local Makerspace – Join Fab Academy 2020 at the Aalto Fablab

Have you seen them? They are growing in numbers all around the world; spaces for making (almost) anything using computer aided design, digital fabrication, electronics and programming. There might be one in your neighborhood, or in your organization.

Whether you’re a user or a manager of a makerspace, there’s always so much to learn. What if you could truly master all those technologies and dive into the global culture surrounding them?

Fab Academy

Originating from the Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT in Boston, this 6 month course is being run at Fab Labs around the world as a shared learning experience. From January to end of June, it will require serious, full-time input but will reward you with the knowledge of not only building things, but setting up a lab yourself. It is contagious.

Brought to you by Aalto Fablab

Join us at the Otaniemi Campus of Aalto University, where our Fablab provides the setting and instruction for the Fab Academy 2020 course. To learn more about the enrollment process and available discounts, visit to get started.