Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call 2022 seeks audiovisual, design, gaming and other cutting-edge projects utilizing digitalization to fuel the creative industries. Applications are encouraged from teams who are prepared to produce a prototype or a demo of their idea.
The projects should further the development of the creative industries (media, film, games, design, architecture and arts). The proposals could focus on, but are not limited to:
- new methods and formats for audiovisual storytelling
- technology-enhanced art, design, and entertainment
- augmentation of human creativity through computational methods
- creation of novel interactive experiences
The winning applications receive development funding between EUR 5 000 to 25 000 per project. In addition, the winners will be able to make use of Aalto Studios’ state-of-the-art research and teaching infrastructure.
The Art & Tech Open Call accepts applications from teams made up of researchers, artists, students and startups who have a cutting-edge project which adds value to the digital development of the creative industries.
The Art & Tech Open Call proposals are expected to have a vision which can be put to motion regarding new forms of digital content or demos and which technologies to use for making it happen. The accepted projects get access to a variety of Aalto Studios’ facilities such as:
- Igloo Vision 360 degree VR environment
- Riegl Iidar scanner for room size and outdoor use
- Artec Leo handheld object scanner
- Xsens portable MoCap suit and Rokoko MoCap gloves
- Zylia immersive audio microphones
- Insta 360 degree cameras
- A large variety of sensors for e.g. simultaneous heart rate monitoring
The above-mentioned facilities are available with their standard equipment and support services. The projects’ schedules are designated based on the availability of the facilities and personnel. The initial schedule for project implementation will be between June 2022 and January 2023. The Roihupelto Studios are usually only available during summer months.
To find out more about the facilities and the Art & Tech Open Call, sign up for the Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day at the Roihupelto Studios on Friday 8.4.2022. Read more about the event and register here.
The deadline for project applications is on Monday 2.5.2022. The finalists are invited to present their project plans to the selection panel at the Aalto Media Lab Demo Day event on Wednesday 1.6.2022, where the winning projects will be announced.
Send your applications to ari.kivimaki@aalto.fi. The format for the applications is free, but the following information is required: Name of the concept / project
- Name of the applying team
- Project manager’s contact details
- Description of the concept
- The word of the author(s)
- Project plan and schedule
- Financing plan / budget
- Links, images and other relevant references
For more information, contact: Ari Kivimäki, Aalto Studios, ari.kivimaki@aalto.fi
To revisit Demo Day’s highlights and atmosphere watch the event video.