A!OLE – Changing the Educational Culture at Aalto University

Aalto Online Learning –A!OLE pilots are using and creating new pedagogical methods and tools, and essentially creating contents for online/blended learning settings within Aalto University.

Two of the focus themes of A!OLE are around video production and VR/AR. Aalto Studios are supporting the AV production of A!OLE and its pilots in many ways. We provide their productions with equipment, consultation and staff.

One of their productions, Learning@Aalto workshop on video presentation skills, was held the other week at our new venue, Kallio Stage. All the participants produced a simple interview style video that they can use in their own courses. The aim of the workshop was to shoot teaching videos with a proper, professional quality. Here are two quotes from participants about the high spirit of the workshop:

“It was great to experiment with a TV interview in a safe and supportive environment. Now I am better prepared for a real life situation.”

”It is great to have the real studio environment for practicing giving a pitch for your course. I’d like to give my warm thanks to all participants for encouraging and constructive immediate feedback.”

P.S. A!OLE will organise together with other strategic initiatives the Learning@Aalto Gala on December 20th. The Gala will have lots of different demos and workshops to celebrate learning. Save the date and stay tuned for more information.