We are always on the lookout for AV and VR talent for projects, events, workshops and courses. If you’re a professional in sound, videography, editing, animation, VR/XR or any other media related field, we would like to add you to our contact list for freelance work.
Fill our Open Application and we’ll get in contact when opportunities arise.
Recent job postings
What is Aalto Studios?
We provide expertise and resources to all Aalto University in the fields of audiovisual media, extended reality production, game development, internet communication and more. Learn more about how we can help you.
As seen on Instagram
@aaltouniversity @aaltostudios invites you to an Open House event in Marsio! Learn more about the innovative world of Aalto Studios as we showcase our new spaces designed to foster creativity and collaboration.
🗓️: 14.3.2025
🕒: 15.00-18.00 (guided tours at 14.00, 14.30 & 18.00)
📍: Marsio, Otakaari 2, Espoo, Finland
Join us for an afternoon of tech-focused demos and cutting-edge XR project presentations from @aaltocreativesprogram, EMIL-XR and Magics. Visit our newly upgraded studio facilities and event venues. Experience Marsio Cinema by watching some of the best student short films.
This event is a unique opportunity to find out more about the development of Aalto Studios’ state-of-the-art AV technology which was created together with our partners from @electrowavesoy and Broadcast Solutions Nordic Oy.
We are also happy to announce that Aalto Creatives Art & Tech Open Call is back. Info about the Open Call and instructions for applying will be published at the event.
The event is free but requires registration. Read more and register via link in bio!

Tule Marsioon kuulemaan miltä estetiikan tulevaisuus näyttää tekoälyn aikakaudella. Tällä kertaa panelistimme pohtivat, miten erilaiset algoritmit ja tekoälypohjaiset työkalut muovaavat käsitystämme kauneudesta.
Keskustelun vetäjänä toimii Sonia Zaki.
Asiantuntijapaneelissa mukana ovat:
Laura Beloff, Professori, Taiteen ja median laitos, Aalto-yliopisto
Nick Dorra, Toimitusjohtaja/tuottaja, Nick Dorra Tuotanto Oy
Kari Mankinen, Tuottaja/leikkaaja, TOASTR AI
Keskustelussa etsitään vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Onko tekoälytaiteella tunnistettava tyyli tai estetiikka? Jääkö tekoälyn ”virheiden” synnyttämä estetiikka elämään omana ilmiönään? Läheneekö tekoälyn tuottama estetiikka ihmisen luomaa vai säilyykö siinä aina tekoälyn leima? Miten tekoäly muuttaa esimerkiksi valokuvaajien, VFX-ammattilaisten tai pelisuunnittelijoiden työtä? Pitääkö paikkansa, että ne ammattilaiset, jotka omaksuvat nämä uudet työkalut, tulevat menestymään, kun taas ne, jotka eivät tartu niihin, saattavat jäädä jälkeen?
Lue lisää tapahtumasta profiilista löytyvän linkin kautta!
Yhteistyössä @aaltouniversity & @aaltodigitalcreatives

What kind of legal guidelines do we need for creatives working with AI? Can we use copyrighted works for training artificial intelligence? Can AI ownership be democratic?
Join Anette Alén (Professor of Civil and Commercial Law, University of Helsinki), Mirco Musolesi (Professor of Computer Science, University College London, and University of Bologna), and Natalia Särmäkari (Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University) as they examine the transformation of the art, media and fashion scene prompted by AI.
📅 3 April 2024
⏰ 17.00-19.00
📍 Think Corner or Online
The event is organised by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki @tiedekulma.

This post is a part of @aaltoarts The Dive, a miniature game spotlighting inspiring Instagram accounts that you might be interested in.
To play the game, tap on the tag on this post and dive in. In total, explore eight accounts by following the diver silhouette. Find an interesting Instagram account or two to follow and have fun!
Dive in!
#TheDive #aaltoarts

Join the Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day on Friday 24th March at Roihupelto Studios. The event will feature an introduction of the open call and technology demos from us at Aalto Studios!
The event is free and open for everyone! For more info and registration, visit @aaltodigitalcreatives
The Art & Tech Open Call ’23 partners with @helsinki @yle @genelec_oy and @avekfi to award the winning projects development funding between EUR 5 000-15 000 per project and Genelec products.

Aalto Studios MAGICS cooperated with Finnish Chamber Opera in producing Posthuman – a multiartistic science fiction opera performance.
In the story, future posthuman creatures revive an extinct species, human, whose genes and memes are placed into a creature that resembles a human child. The question remains, can humans be replaced, and will anyone remember humans in the future. One of the voices in the performance is produced by artificial intelligence.
The cooperation between the Finnish Chamber Opera and Aalto Studios MAGICS initiated in the early stages of the production. This resulted in two students in New Media, Calvin Guillot and Małgorzata Nowicka creating the visualizations for the performance. This is how they describe their experience:
“We were fascinated and honoured to work in such a multidisciplinary project and to experience the multilingual expression of all the people involved. We had a lot of space for artistic exploration and an interesting challenge to operate within the constraints of the rich visual language of the play. We collaborated with the director on the content of the visualisations by using the artificial intelligence models and generative simulations. With the incorporation of the tools of new media, we strived for a manifestation of the ideas of posthumanism that is more subtle and sensitive – that is not confined to telling a story about artificial intelligence and digital life, but tackles the questions of the human condition. Facilitating this message was the most rewarding and exciting aspect of the process for us. “
Finnish Chamber Opera: Posthuman premiered at Tanssin talo on the 3rd of March.

The 2021-2022 Showreel from our AV Production Team—so many interesting projects in the past 2 years! Here’s a glimpse of the highlights #aaltostudios #aaltouniversity #production #preproduction #scriptwriting #producer #camera #sounddesign #lightdesign #set #interviews #fashion #studio #postproduction #colorgrading #editing #video

Two more weeks to apply 📣! Creative industry pre-incubator program’s call for applications is open until the 14th of February 2023 🗓️
If you are a creative industry student, researcher or practitioner with a business idea inspired by one of the following topics:
💫 new methods and formats for audiovisual storytelling
💫 technology-enhanced art, design, and entertainment
💫 augmentation of human creativity through computational methods
💫 creation of novel interactive experiences
💫 platforms for/by the creative industries
…and you need help in developing your idea or you are wondering how to proceed on the path towards entrepreneurship ➡️ Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator could be the next step!
In the program you will learn how to develop and protect your business idea, expand your networks and deliver an excellent pitch to different types of audiences.
Go to @aaltodigitalcreatives to apply!