
This page shows of pics from Instagram collected from all our accounts. It’s a great way to get an overview of all the various things going on at Aalto Studios. This is a collection from @aaltostudios, @kalliostage, @aaltostudios_costume_workshop, @aaltodigitalcreatives, @aaltostudios_productions and @fablab.

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@aaltouniversity @aaltostudios invites you to

34 0

Tule Marsioon kuulemaan miltä estetiikan

8 0

Tuesday 26th at 11.00! We’re moving and need to

18 0

What kind of legal guidelines do we need for

40 3

Aalto studios collaborating with @aaltobiz for

5 0

Interested in podcasting? Recording a voiceover?

8 0

Behind the scenes filming an on-location interview

8 0

This post is a part of @aaltoarts The Dive, a

41 0

Join the Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day on

27 0

Human skin inspired boots in progress ✨


45 0

The 2021-2022 Showreel from our AV Production

37 0

How to utilize complementary colors in dyeing?

23 0

What is the story behind this character 🤔

27 2

Airbrush is our new favourite tool 🎨


33 1

What was the weapon? 🧐

Our teachers do

42 0

Icy materials 🥶

Experiments with glossy

40 2

Two more weeks to apply 📣! Creative industry

17 0

Would you like some popcorn 🤩

Long waited

44 1

With a new year, comes exciting new beginnings on

11 1

Happy holidays and holiday projects!


35 1

Our newest service available here at @aaltostudios

10 0

Drum roll: The cat (with a little help) has now

5 0

🎥⚡️We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes here

6 0

TODAY 13:00-16:00:

Join us for our Hybrid

10 0

Behind the camera(s) 🎬

Thanks to our great

35 0

No worries if you forgot how to operate the

37 1

Take a closer look these detailed distressed

45 0

Our new dedicated house of media is building! Just

45 0

Interested in developing a virtual performance

23 0

Due to a high number of requests @aaltofablab is

10 0