This page shows of pics from Instagram collected from all our accounts. It’s a great way to get an overview of all the various things going on at Aalto Studios. This is a collection from @aaltostudios, @kalliostage, @aaltostudios_costume_workshop, @aaltodigitalcreatives, @aaltostudios_productions and @fablab.
@aaltouniversity @aaltostudios invites you to
Tule Marsioon kuulemaan miltä estetiikan
Tuesday 26th at 11.00! We’re moving and need to
What kind of legal guidelines do we need for
Aalto studios collaborating with @aaltobiz for
Aalto Studios’ new home, the Marsio building right
Interested in podcasting? Recording a voiceover?
Behind the scenes filming an on-location interview
This post is a part of @aaltoarts The Dive, a
Join the Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day on
Aalto Studios MAGICS cooperated with Finnish
Human skin inspired boots in progress ✨
The 2021-2022 Showreel from our AV Production
How to utilize complementary colors in dyeing?
What is the story behind this character 🤔
Airbrush is our new favourite tool 🎨
What was the weapon? 🧐
Our teachers do
Icy materials 🥶
Experiments with glossy
Two more weeks to apply 📣! Creative industry
Would you like some popcorn 🤩
Long waited
With a new year, comes exciting new beginnings on
In talks for 10 years, in planning for 5 and now
Happy holidays and holiday projects!
Our newest service available here at @aaltostudios
Drum roll: The cat (with a little help) has now
🎥⚡️We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes here
TODAY 13:00-16:00:
Join us for our Hybrid
Behind the camera(s) 🎬
Thanks to our great
No worries if you forgot how to operate the
Take a closer look these detailed distressed
Our new dedicated house of media is building! Just
Interested in developing a virtual performance
Due to a high number of requests @aaltofablab is