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  • CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    Roland Modela MDX-40 is a versatile milling machine that can be useful for many precision milling tasks. It has 1/100 mm resolution which can be useful when producing high-detail objects. What can I make with it? From simple projects such as engraving text in a piece of wood to PCB milling (removal of copper from…

  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of its machines and capabilities. Krisjanis has graduated Fab Academy from Fab Lab Barcelona and holds a MA diploma from Aalto Media Lab. He developed projection mapping tool ofxPiMapper (a projection mapping tool for the…

  • Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab is the digital fabrication laboratory of the Aalto University. It is based on the classic MIT Fab Lab concept, has all the machines listed in the 100K fab lab specification, has open days and hosts Fab Academy thus being an active node in the global fab lab network.   See more, follow @aaltofablab on Instagram Services Of course you can visit us…

  • Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab is the digital fabrication laboratory of the Aalto University. It is based on the classic MIT Fab Lab concept, has all the machines listed…

  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of…

  • CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    Roland Modela MDX-40 is a versatile milling machine that can be useful for many precision milling tasks. It has 1/100 mm…