Our archive of news and events published on this site.
Aalto Studios Open House
Aalto Studios invites you to an Open House event in Marsio on Friday 14.3.2025 at 15.00-18.00! Learn more about the innovative world of Aalto Studios…
Call for applications: Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme
Deadline for applications is 10.2.2025. The Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme has opened its first call for applications. Previously the pre-incubator operated…
MAGICS enters the infrastructure roadmap of the Research Council of Finland
The roadmap for Finnish research infrastructures defines the significant long-term national research infrastructures that are part of the Finnish research ecosystem.…
Aalto Creative Demo Day
4.12.2024 | 13-17.30 (UTC +2 / EET)Online & Marsio Stage | Otakaari 2, Espoo Welcome to Aalto Creative Demo Day where…
Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?
Torstaina 21.11. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Tule Marsioon kuulemaan miltä estetiikan tulevaisuus näyttää tekoälyn aikakaudella. Tällä kertaa panelistimme pohtivat,…
’Beyond the Hybrid’ book published
Beyond the Hybrid – Narratives, New Media Experiments and Speculations Touching Art and Science Knowledge Exchange (Acoustic Space, Volume 20 / Renewable…
bioMakerStudio Workshop Series
The bioMakerStudio Workshop and Talks Series is a non-profit community engagement initiative funded by the Sustainability Action Booster Grant. Every week,…
Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?
Torstaina 31.10. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Aalto-yliopistossa järjestettävässä tapahtumassa keskustellaan tekoälyn vaikutuksista yhteiskuntaan. Tapahtuman juontaa Sonia Zaki. Asiantuntijapaneelissa mukana…
Miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkia?
Torstaina 26.9. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Aalto-yliopistossa järjestettävässä paneelikeskustelussa sukellamme syvälle siihen, miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkimaailmaa. Musiikin ja teknologian…
Call for applications: Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme
Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme accepts applications until 16.9.2024. The programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on…
Studios Takeout and Väre Takeout to Merge
As part of our larger moving to Marsio efforts, the equipment lending services of Aalto Studios and ARTS Infra at Väre…
OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab
Do you want a space to creatively experiment with growing algae, microbes, or plants? We are looking for two students/researchers to…
Can computers create art? A Creative Technologies event
In 2024, the question of AI’s creative capability is more current than ever with the quick rise of generative AI tools.…
Siviilipalveluspaikkoja avoinna (Civilian service positions open)
These positions have been filled, thanks to all the applicants. From time to time, we have positions open for both freelance…
Moving to Marsio
During spring 2024, we will temporarily close many Aalto Studios facilities around campus, as we prepare to reopen them in the…