Our archive of news and events published on this site.
Aalto students bring life to a Wonderland for annual winter musical by Uniarts Helsinki
In Aalto Studios’ costume studio and set construction workshop Tjaša Frumen and Elina Ström, both MA students in Costume Design, and Oscar Dempsey, MA student in…
Building and Breaking (and Learning) with Set Construction
Students in Sampo Pyhälä’s Construction and Design course have been hard at work the last two weeks in Aalto Studios’ set…
Studio Kipsari is moving in!
Aalto Studios is delighted to announce the opening of a new cafe, a spin-off of beloved vegetarian/vegan student restaurant, Kipsari, here in Otaniemi…
VR and AR developers share experiences at Aalto Studios over breakfast
Last Friday, more than 70 researchers, artists, practitioners, and students interested in virtual and augmented realities joined us and the Aalto…
ACE Producers hosts second training days in Finland
This past weekend, Aalto Studios’ partner, ACE Producers, an organization focused on training and development for established film producers across Europe,…
Students from Aalto Media Lab to present interactive projects at Kallio Stage
MA students in New Media will present work they created at the Aalto Fablab on Thursday, December 7th at Aalto Studios’…
FabLab at the Espoo Mini Maker Faire
Last month, our Fab Lab helped organize and participated in the third annual Espoo Mini Maker Faire in collaboration with Wärk Ry…
New Arri film production lights in Roihupelto Studios and on Aalto Takeout
Aalto Studios now has a set of Arri lights for Roihupelto Studios, to go along with our recently acquired set of…
Interested in AR and VR? Like breakfast?
Join us on Thursday, 14.12 for breakfast and a morning of AR and VR conversations and demos hosted by Aalto Studios’…
Aalto Studios Has Launched
Thank you all the attendees for launching Aalto Studios with us! Hundreds of guests joined us yesterday as we introduced our facilities…
Thank You for the Aalto Studios Hackathon 2017
Aalto Studios hackathon took place on 31st of October and brought together great mix of people from different backgrounds. We want to…
IMAGO Awarded International Cinematographers in Espoo
Aalto Studios congratulates all the winners of the first time ever organised IMAGO International Awards for Cinematography. IMAGO, the European Federation of Cinematographers,…
Multi-Cam Productions with Cinema Cameras
Aalto Studios is happy to announce the newest addition to our production gear, a 4K rack for our Arri Amira cameras. Due…
A life Premiere at Kallio Stage
Uniarts Helsinki Theatre Academy and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture present a collaboration piece called a life. The piece…
Arri Amira Training Days
Want to learn how to shoot with Arri cameras? Aalto Studios organises a training day for Arri Amira cameras on 6th –…