Aalto Fablab

Archive results for these kinds of items

  • Fablab Orientation

    Fablab Orientation

    There are several ways how you can learn more about and get access to Aalto Fablab. 1. Introduction Sessions We offer several different introduction sessions depending on how much you know about Aalto Fablab and fab labs in general. 2. Fab Academy and Courses The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where…

  • Fablab Courses

    Fablab Courses

    We offer a Digital Fabrication minor that started as an academic overlay for the global Fab Academy course. The minor focuses on skills needed to use a fablab to its full potential. The academic overlay allows Aalto University students (exchange students included) to receive ECTS credits for joining the Fab Academy. Digital Fabrication courses themselves…

  • PCB Production

    PCB Production

    Bring your electronics experiments to the next level with the Aalto Fablab PCB production capabilities. We have two milling machines (Roland SRM-20 and MDX-40) capable of milling circuit boards out of copper-covered FR1 and FR2 clads. Design your board in KiCad or any other electronics design software and use the equipment available to produce it.…

  • Solomon Embafrash

    Solomon Embafrash

  • Electronics Lab

    Electronics Lab

    Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found in the Fablab. It is a fantastic facility to be used when you need to add custom electronics (lights, motion or audio) to your project. The electronics lab is kept in order according to…

  • CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    Roland Modela MDX-40 is a versatile milling machine that can be useful for many precision milling tasks. It has 1/100 mm resolution which can be useful when producing high-detail objects. What can I make with it? From simple projects such as engraving text in a piece of wood to PCB milling (removal of copper from…

  • Laser Cutter Epilog Legend 36EXT

    Laser Cutter Epilog Legend 36EXT

    The Epilog Legend 36EXT laser cutter is one of the most beloved machines at the Aalto Fablab. It features a 60 Watt CO2 laser capable of cutting through 6 mm wood or 10 mm acrylics sheets up to a size of 914 x 610 mm as well as engraving. What can I make with it?…

  • Aalto Fablab Material Guide

    Aalto Fablab Material Guide

    Here you can find information about materials available for sale at the Aalto Fablab. … User guides Related items

  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of its machines and capabilities. Krisjanis has graduated Fab Academy from Fab Lab Barcelona and holds a MA diploma from Aalto Media Lab. He developed projection mapping tool ofxPiMapper (a projection mapping tool for the…

  • Jason Selvarajan

    Jason Selvarajan

  • Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab is the digital fabrication laboratory of the Aalto University. It is based on the classic MIT Fab Lab concept, has all the machines listed in the 100K fab lab specification, has open days and hosts Fab Academy thus being an active node in the global fab lab network.   See more, follow @aaltofablab on Instagram Services Of course you can visit us…

  • Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab is the digital fabrication laboratory of the Aalto University. It is based on the classic MIT Fab Lab concept, has all the machines listed…

  • Jason Selvarajan
  • Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis Rijnieks

    Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of…

  • Aalto Fablab Material Guide

    Aalto Fablab Material Guide

    Here you can find information about materials available for sale at the Aalto Fablab. … User guides Related items

  • Laser Cutter Epilog Legend 36EXT

    Laser Cutter Epilog Legend 36EXT

    The Epilog Legend 36EXT laser cutter is one of the most beloved machines at the Aalto Fablab. It features a 60…

  • CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40

    Roland Modela MDX-40 is a versatile milling machine that can be useful for many precision milling tasks. It has 1/100 mm…

  • Electronics Lab

    Electronics Lab

    Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found…

  • Solomon Embafrash
  • PCB Production

    PCB Production

    Bring your electronics experiments to the next level with the Aalto Fablab PCB production capabilities. We have two milling machines (Roland…

  • Fablab Courses

    Fablab Courses

    We offer a Digital Fabrication minor that started as an academic overlay for the global Fab Academy course. The minor focuses…

  • Fablab Orientation

    Fablab Orientation

    There are several ways how you can learn more about and get access to Aalto Fablab. 1. Introduction Sessions We offer…