Our archive of news and events published on this site.
The Digital Literature Project di.ki starts – the virtual events introduce digital literature to audience and enhance new digital works
Nuoren Voiman Liitto, a Finnish literary society, in partnership with ELKE, Aalto Studios, The Master’s Programme in Writing at University of…
Virtual production in the Mandalorian style
How to visit locations and sets that don’t actually exist? How to operate the camera in a greenscreen studio when all…
Aalto Studios’ Workshops as Laboratories for New Materials
Continues in English below. All photos by Urs Dierker. Aalto Studiosin työpajat uusien materiaalien laboratoriona Aalto Studiosin työpajat tarjoavat monipuolisen ympäristön…
Aalto Fablab selected in FURNISH Open Call
Aalto Fablab’s NOT-19 is one of the four teams selected to participate in the FURNISH (Fast Urban Responses for New Inclusive…
Aalto Studios Open Call grants funding and resources to three projects
Panorama depicting the Tom of Finland room in The Tom House. Photo: Márton Jelinkó The Aalto Studios Open Call in co-operation…
Abstracting Archetypes – Costume Design Master Class
In the Abstracting Archetypes master class, costume design students brought commedia dell’artes archetypal characters to life through sculptural costumes, put together…
Connecting the Dots: an AI Exhibition
This exploration of science and art in the world of artificial intelligence, organized by the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI)…
Workshop: Arri Amira
If you would like to learn about the ins and outs of the Arri Amira -camera, Aalto Studios is holding a two-day workshop…
Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium followed by a concert in Kallio Stage 15.11.
What does our relationship with music and musical instruments look like today, as digital technologies are enabling new instruments and new…
Master your local Makerspace – Join Fab Academy 2020 at the Aalto Fablab
Have you seen them? They are growing in numbers all around the world; spaces for making (almost) anything using computer aided…
Materiaalit valloillaan – Materials in Full Power
At the Aalto Studios Gallery, a new exhibition from the costume design students at the Department of Film Television and Scenography.…
ELO 60 Costume Exhibition
The study and research of Costume Design at Aalto University explores the creation, production and function of costume in all areas…
Motion Capture Demo Day
Our high end, Hollywood quality motion capture facility at Roihupelto Studios is available to all Aalto University as part of the…
Glue Workshop – a customizable platform for collaboration
You’ve heard about using extended reality for collaboration. Meetings, working together over long distances, experiencing shared spaces. But how exactly do…
ERASMUS+ funding for FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education
The Aalto Fablab here at Aalto Studios is a partner in a new project ”FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education”,…