Set Design Workshop
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Set Design Workshop Orientation
Working in the Set Design Workshop requires orientation to the occupational safety instructions and the use of the equipment. Please choose the best option for your needs from the alternatives below. 1: Online orientation + machine specific training In MyCourses, complete the sections 1-3, and watch the device videos according to your needs. Then schedule the…
Safe Working at the Set Design Workshop
Safety & Health at work – Set design Workshop First Aid Emergency number 112 Doorman Mon-Fri 8-15.30 050-3726867 AaltoHELP service phone 050-4646462Your request for help will be transmitted to right direction: security guards, the property maintenance company etc. Säännöt ja toiminta ohjeet Aukioloajat työpäivinä 9-16.00 (ma-pe) turvallisuus ohjeita noudatettava opiskelijat jotka ovat käyneet työpaja ja työturvallisuus kurssin ovat…
Surface Treatment Workshop
The wood and metal workshops are supported by surface treatment facilities and a plaster room. We have the resources to work with solvent-based paints and materials that require an ATEX certificate, for large surfaces as well. User Guides Equipment User guides Contact information Related items
Electronics Lab
Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found in the Fablab. It is a fantastic facility to be used when you need to add custom electronics (lights, motion or audio) to your project. The electronics lab is kept in order according to…
Wood Workshop
Our spacious wood working area provides the basic industrial machines for working with wood and an area equipped with hand tools. It is mainly used for scenography and set design purposes but is open for the whole Aalto University. So if you would like to use it for other purposes, don’t hesitate to ask. Safety…
Metal Workshop
Our metal workshop has the resources for welding, bending and grinding. It includes basic industrial machines and hand tools for metal work and jointing techniques. The equipment is mainly set up for scenography and set design purposes, but is easy to use for basic metal work, like mig welding, bending, grinding ,drilling etc. The workshop…
Varoitusmerkit ja vaaralausekkeet | Hazard symbols and statements
Varoitusmerkit | Hazard symbols Vaaralausekkeet (H-lausekkeet) | Hazard statements (H-phrases) H222 Erittäin helposti syttyvä aerosoli. / Extreamly flammamble aeorosol. H225 Helposti syttyvä neste ja höyry. / Highly flammable liquid and vapor. H229 Painesäiliö: Voi revetä kuumennettaessa. / Pressurised container: May burst if heated. H272 Voi edistää tulipaloa; hapettava. / May intensify fire; oxider. H300 Tappavaa…
Työturvallisuusvastuut | Occupational Safety Responsibilities
Työnantajan velvollisuuksia työturvallisuuslain 738/2002 /1/ toteuttamiseksi ovat: Henkilökunta (opettaja ja työpajamestari) Velvollisuus huolehtia, että Oikeuksia Työpajan käyttäjät (opiskelijat ja tutkijat) Velvollisuudet Oikeuksia Kemikaalityöskentely Kemikaalityöskentelyssä on noudatettava Kemikaalilakia 599/2013 /2/, siinä mainittuja muita lakeja sekä yliopistossa laadittuja ohjeita ja käytäntöjä. Lisäksi työskentely tiloissa tulee olla valvottua siten, että töistä ei aiheudu haittaa turvallisuudelle tai terveydelle.…
Työturvallisuusvastuut | Occupational Safety Responsibilities
Työnantajan velvollisuuksia työturvallisuuslain 738/2002 /1/ toteuttamiseksi ovat: Henkilökunta (opettaja ja työpajamestari) Velvollisuus huolehtia, että Oikeuksia Työpajan käyttäjät (opiskelijat ja tutkijat) Velvollisuudet…
Varoitusmerkit ja vaaralausekkeet | Hazard symbols and statements
Varoitusmerkit | Hazard symbols Vaaralausekkeet (H-lausekkeet) | Hazard statements (H-phrases) H222 Erittäin helposti syttyvä aerosoli. / Extreamly flammamble aeorosol. H225 Helposti…
Metal Workshop
Our metal workshop has the resources for welding, bending and grinding. It includes basic industrial machines and hand tools for metal…
Wood Workshop
Our spacious wood working area provides the basic industrial machines for working with wood and an area equipped with hand tools.…
Electronics Lab
Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found…
Surface Treatment Workshop
The wood and metal workshops are supported by surface treatment facilities and a plaster room. We have the resources to work…
Set Design Workshop Rules
Lavastamon säännöt Contact information User guides Related items
Safe Working at the Set Design Workshop
Safety & Health at work – Set design Workshop First Aid Emergency number 112 Doorman Mon-Fri 8-15.30 050-3726867 AaltoHELP service phone 050-4646462Your request for…
Set Design Workshop Orientation
Working in the Set Design Workshop requires orientation to the occupational safety instructions and the use of the equipment. Please choose…