Set Design Workshop

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  • Pasi Pakula
  • Jyri Lahelma
  • Jami Laakso
  • Set Design Workshop

    Set Design Workshop

    Need to paint large surfaces? Looking for a place for welding or wood work? Our multi-purpose set construction workshop provides resources for…

  • Työturvallisuusvastuut | Occupational Safety Responsibilities

    Työturvallisuusvastuut | Occupational Safety Responsibilities

    Työnantajan velvollisuuksia työturvallisuuslain 738/2002 /1/ toteuttamiseksi ovat: Henkilökunta (opettaja ja työpajamestari) Velvollisuus huolehtia, että Oikeuksia Työpajan käyttäjät (opiskelijat ja tutkijat)  Velvollisuudet…

  • Varoitusmerkit ja vaaralausekkeet | Hazard symbols and statements

    Varoitusmerkit ja vaaralausekkeet | Hazard symbols and statements

    Varoitusmerkit | Hazard symbols Vaaralausekkeet (H-lausekkeet) | Hazard statements (H-phrases) H222 Erittäin helposti syttyvä aerosoli. / Extreamly flammamble aeorosol. H225 Helposti…

  • Metal Workshop

    Metal Workshop

    Our metal workshop has the resources for welding, bending and grinding. It includes basic industrial machines and hand tools for metal…

  • Wood Workshop

    Wood Workshop

    Our spacious wood working area provides the basic industrial machines for working with wood and an area equipped with hand tools.…

  • Electronics Lab

    Electronics Lab

    Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found…

  • Surface Treatment Workshop

    Surface Treatment Workshop

    The wood and metal workshops are supported by surface treatment facilities and a plaster room. We have the resources to work…

  • Set Design Workshop Rules

    Set Design Workshop Rules

    Lavastamon säännöt Contact information User guides Related items

  • Safe Working at the Set Design Workshop

    Safe Working at the Set Design Workshop

    Safety & Health at work – Set design Workshop First Aid Emergency number                   112 Doorman Mon-Fri 8-15.30         050-3726867 AaltoHELP service phone           050-4646462Your request for…

  • Set Design Workshop Orientation

    Set Design Workshop Orientation

    Working in the Set Design Workshop requires orientation to the occupational safety instructions and the use of the equipment. Please choose…

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