Archive results for these kinds of items
Aalto Studios Gallery
This exhibition space at our Otakaari 7 lobby comes with well lit wall space, options for ceiling rigging and built-in screens…
Studio Kipsari
Kipsari offers their famous, delicious vegan tastes at two locations in Otaniemi and we obviously prefer this one here at Aalto…
Aalto Fablab
Aalto Fablab is the digital fabrication laboratory of the Aalto University. It is based on the classic MIT Fab Lab concept, has all the machines listed…
Web Studio
Get dedicated personal assistance with anything Internet. No project too small, no idea too big.
Kallio Stage (closed 2021)
As of July 1st, 2021 we have closed our Kallio Stage facility. This 1920 Art Deco-style venue was a highly customizable…
Toni Tolin
Toni is responsible for operating and maintaining the studio facilities at Roihupelto Studio. Toni have been working at Aalto University since…
Juhani Tenhunen
With lots of experience in academic matters at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Juhani oversees our international projects that…
Krisjanis Rijnieks
Krisjanis is the Aalto Fablab master and is responsible for keeping it open and helping you to get the hold of…
Lassi Savola
Lassi is an AV Specialist and works in AV Productions as an Assistant Producer. He has over a decade of experience…
“Ville” Jari Manninen
Ville is an AV technician at Aalto Studios. With his over 30-year experience, Ville is the perfect guy to help out…
Oliver Manner
Oliver is hosting the Web Studio in collaboration with his colleague Jon Fabritius. They help the whole Aalto community with things…
Ari Kivimäki
Ari is the Senior Manager in charge of Aalto Studios partnerships – both internally and externally. He has a long background…
Johanna Ilmarinen
Johanna is Aalto Studios specialist in costume related projects. Johanna loves helping students with projects, especially when the solution is not…
Bjarke Aalto
AV/Motion Capture/Virtual Studio technician
Aalto Studios Takeout
Borrow a camera, or ten. And lights and mics and VR headsets and all the things for your media production. If…
Research Facilitation
Creative sector projects are increasingly more transdisciplinary and multi-cultural in nature. We can help you find new ways to broaden your…
Master Mixing Stage
An 11.1.4 speaker setup featuring Meyer Sound gear and a 4 x 2m projection screen for either scoring, sound editing or…
AV Production Service
When planning to produce audiovisual content, take a moment to pre-plan a roadmap and find resources with our AV production experts…
Odeion Screening Auditorium
43 seats, a high quality Christie projector and Meyer Sound audio suitable for film screening, watching streamed media, and even hosting…
VR Studio
Need to work on VR content with the latest software and headsets? Our 45m2 VR Studio is equipped with five editing…
Foley Mixing Stage
Our completely sound proof, 45 m2 foley stage has everything you need to create an audio environment for your production
Self Service Studio
A ready-to-use setup for quickly capturing presentations and creating lecture materials, all wired up the University’s Panopto video service
Roihupelto Studios
Our 230 m2 studio with a realtime 4K Arri multicamera setup, motion capture tools and green screen at high end quality…
Costume Workshop
Be it a performance, film, installation or a research project into wearable tech, we are here to help! The Costume Workshop…
VR Hub
The VR Hub was a 35m² space dedicated to learning about extended reality experiences, whether created at Aalto University, or by…
Mini Studio
Shoot a photo or video in a small, but very black room, with optional green and white backdrops
Atelier, Classroom 377
The Atelier is a group teaching space next to Aalto Studios Workshops. It serves well the courses held in Workshops, giving…
Audio Edits
Our production and post-production facilities range from small sound edits to large, professional high end environments.
Video Edits
Equipped with Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere CC our video edits provide an environment for editing 4K and even higher…
Booking the VR Hub
The space can be booked using either the Aalto Space – app, or from booking.aalto.fi. Expect the doors to be open during…
ABC for VR Hub
Turn on the computer Username: gamer-aaltoPassword: harald&PELIT Turn on SteamVR Click this icon on desktop. Turn on the hand controllers Take…
Timo Ovaska
While working for Aalto Learning Services, Timo can often be found at the VR Hub, where he delves into using extended…
A Pod
Easy-to-access 2 person pod, with great sound insulation, for podcasting, narration and interviews
VR Hub Open Doors
Come in, try out things and get guidance from our people. Related items
Free Exploration
Book the VR Hub for an hour or two for freely exploring the content available in the space by yourself or…
Build a Learning Event
Aalto Learning Services can help you find new ways to use extended reality tools to try out on your courses. Contact…
VR Theme Day
Let us tailor a session of demos and experimentation for your group, along with optional catering and other amenities. Related items
Video interview
1-3 persons interview or discussion video shot with multiple cameras in a nice lightning set up. User guides Related items
Green Screen video
You want to add a digital background to your content? In Mini studio you can take a photo or record a…
There’s just enough space in Mini Studio for three point lightning set up to take photographs. Products, protos or portraits up…
Talking Head video
Sometimes clear explanation is enough. You can record a talking head video up to two people with white or green backdrop…
Narration or Voiceover
One person and a microphone; record spoken word directly to your memory card using the Røde Control Surface. These User Guides…
Sit down with someone, hit Record and off you go. We’ve streamlined the process so you don’t even need to use…
Internet communication therapy
Book an hour on Zoom or our sofa to air out any ideas or questions you might have on using the…
ICT buyer’s consultation
Are you about to invest time, money or both in setting up a piece of information technology? We can help you…
Software development
From time to time, we can help with building software solutions for spesific needs. Examples include CMS plugins for WordPress, standalone…
Arri Amira camera course
Learn to get the most out of these professional cameras and obtain the required permit for borrowing them for your projects.…
Webinar using Zoom
Host or participate in online educational events in the well lit, peaceful environment of our Self Service Studio, or take some…
Site hosting for selected Clients
Sometimes our clients need a dedicated web site of their own. Aalto University offers an array of choices, but for experimental…
Access the VR Studio
You can book working time for any of the computers in VR Studio from Aalto Takeout. If you need access to…
Educational video using Panopto
Walk in, start recording, and at the end receive a video file with optional captures of presentation slides and notes included.…
Events and partnerships
Let us find partnership opportunities for you. Aalto Studios is actively carrying out projects, productions and events with several media industry…
International Projects and Collaboration
Planning an international development or research project? Need to find partners at Aalto University? We’re always looking for new forms of media…
Audio Edit Permit Course
Gain access to our audio edits by completing this introductory course. At this time we don’t have any scheduled sessions. Contact…
Video Edits Basic Course
Get access to our video edits by completing this introductory course. At this time we don’t have any scheduled sessions. Contact…
Turvallinen työskentely | Safety & Health at work
Puvusto Ensiapu Vahtimestari arkisin 8-15.30 050-3726867 AaltoAPUA palvelupuhelin 050-4646462Avunpyyntösi välitetään oikealle taholle: kiinteistön huoltoyhtiölle, vartijoille jne. Yleinen hätänumero 112 Costume Workshop First Aid Doorman…
Dyeing and Surface Manipulation
With a background in stagecraft and film production, we provide consultation and spaces for working with colors and surface elaboration for…
Costume Lending
Our wardrobe plays an important part in all Aalto Studios’ operations providing costumes for film shootings, performances, course experimentations, photoshoots, installations,…
Costume Workshop Orientation
Working independently in the Costume Workshop premises requires a successfully completed orientation course. Please choose from the alternatives below. The online…
Lainausehdot | Terms & Conditions
Pukuvarasto Wardrobe Contact information User guides Related items
Työturvallisuusvastuut | Occupational Safety Responsibilities
Työnantajan velvollisuuksia työturvallisuuslain 738/2002 /1/ toteuttamiseksi ovat: Henkilökunta (opettaja ja työpajamestari) Velvollisuus huolehtia, että Oikeuksia Työpajan käyttäjät (opiskelijat ja tutkijat) Velvollisuudet…
Aalto Fablab Material Guide
Here you can find information about materials available for sale at the Aalto Fablab. … User guides Related items
Setup the Lightboard
Positioning and Reflections Lighting Audio Clothing Drawing Cleaning Post Production Contact information
Roihupelto Studios, Studio 3
General Rules Lifts Rigging and Sets Green Screen Heating Air Ventilation Safety Doors and Keys Studio Masters Bjarke Aalto +358 50…
Laser Cutter Epilog Legend 36EXT
The Epilog Legend 36EXT laser cutter is one of the most beloved machines at the Aalto Fablab. It features a 60…
Kemikaaliturvallisuus ja työskentelyohjeet | Chemical Safety & Working guidelines
Värjäämö Tiedosta mitä olet tekemässä: Noudata annettuja työturvallisuusohjeita ja suojaudu työsi vaatimin suojaimin: Ota huomioon toiset tilassa työskentelevät: Todennäköisimmät vaarat Ensiapu…
CNC Precision Milling Machine Roland Modela MDX-40
Roland Modela MDX-40 is a versatile milling machine that can be useful for many precision milling tasks. It has 1/100 mm…
Mini Studio Equipment
Here is the list of equipment in the Mini Studio. Camera 2x Sony Z280 Camcorders (model name to be confirmed) 2x…
Large Scale Film or Photo Shoot
Need a large space for your film project or photo shoot? We can help you. Our 250 m2 Studio is equipped…
Record a Lecture With Professional Production Quality
We can record your lecture or interview at our commercial grade quality broadcast studio. Display your slides on a virtual background…
Medium Scale Single Camera Production
Need a studio space for your student film, media producton or other single camera production? Our Medium Scale Studio is equipped…
Virtual Studio Multi Camera Production
Need to do a digital set design based production? Want to use tracked AR elements on your multi camera show, while…
Multi Camera Shoot in a Large Studio
Our fully equipped multicamera studio is ready for your production. We have four high end cameras at out Roihupelto studio. We…
Measure Relation or Movements of Anything
Our motion capture tools go beyond film making. We can measure any object or person and their movement to a fraction…
High End Motion Capture and Tracking
Our high end Motion Analysis Raptor based system let’s you: We can set up a custom capture area up to 42m2…
Varoitusmerkit ja vaaralausekkeet | Hazard symbols and statements
Varoitusmerkit | Hazard symbols Vaaralausekkeet (H-lausekkeet) | Hazard statements (H-phrases) H222 Erittäin helposti syttyvä aerosoli. / Extreamly flammamble aeorosol. H225 Helposti…
Remote Keynote Presentation
Don’t have the time or willingness to travel? Have your speech and slideshow happen live from our campus to the audience…
Metal Workshop
Our metal workshop has the resources for welding, bending and grinding. It includes basic industrial machines and hand tools for metal…
Wood Workshop
Our spacious wood working area provides the basic industrial machines for working with wood and an area equipped with hand tools.…
Electronics Lab
Since Set Design Workshop and Aalto Fablab now live under one roof, the electronics lab is a shared one and can be found…
Surface Treatment Workshop
The wood and metal workshops are supported by surface treatment facilities and a plaster room. We have the resources to work…
Set Design Workshop Rules
Lavastamon säännöt Contact information User guides Related items
Safe Working at the Set Design Workshop
Safety & Health at work – Set design Workshop First Aid Emergency number 112 Doorman Mon-Fri 8-15.30 050-3726867 AaltoHELP service phone 050-4646462Your request for…
Sewing & Patterning
The sewing studio offers spacious and well-equipped room for patterning, fabric cutting, product construction, sewing and fitting. Wide tables and a…
Prepare a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) for viewing
For viewing material in the DCP format at the Odeion Screening Auditorium, either send an existing file to Esa Mattila at…
Työskentelyohjeet | Working guidelines
Atelje, luokkahuone 377 Jos sinulla on jotakin kysyttävää tilan käyttöön ja ohjeisiin liittyen, olethan yhteydessä lavastamon työpajamestariin: Jyri Lahelma, 050-4033373 jyri.lahelma@aalto.fi…
Lassi Salo
Lassi is taking care of Studios Takeout. He has a huge amount of expertise of Aalto’s AV equipment, since he has…
How to get your files to go?
The A Pod has two options for locally recording sound; either using just the RØDECaster interface direct to your memory card…
A Pod Hardware and Software
This is a document in progress and some areas will appear empty. The A Pod is a great place for recording…
Record a Podcast Episode
Either by yourself, with a guest or with people calling in via Skype and other messaging apps. The A Pod let’s…
How to record on the iMac
While the RØDECaster interface lets you record directly to an SD Card all by itself, you can get more fine grained…