
Archive results for these kinds of items

  • Civilian service (siviilipalvelus) positions open; 3 AV assistants
    Photo by Kari Palsila

    Civilian service (siviilipalvelus) positions open; 3 AV assistants

    We are looking for three recruits to join us in working with the latest AV technology at our Otaniemi, Espoo campus.

  • Aalto Studios Open House

    Aalto Studios Open House

    This event took place on March 14th 2025. The saved stream is available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. Aalto Studios invites you to an Open House event in Marsio on Friday 14.3.2025 at 15.00-18.00! Learn more about the innovative world of Aalto Studios as we showcase our new spaces designed to foster creativity and collaboration.  Join us for…

  • Call for applications: Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme

    Call for applications: Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme

    Deadline for applications is 10.2.2025. The Aalto Creatives pre-incubator programme has opened its first call for applications. Previously the pre-incubator operated as the Aalto Digital Creatives programme. Aalto Creatives welcomes applications with a business idea rooted in any sector of the creative industries. The programme is looking for applicants with a background in the creative…

  • MAGICS enters the infrastructure roadmap of the Research Council of Finland

    MAGICS enters the infrastructure roadmap of the Research Council of Finland

    The roadmap for Finnish research infrastructures defines the significant long-term national research infrastructures that are part of the Finnish research ecosystem. The MAGICS infrastructure – a consortium of six Finnish universities – is now accepted to the roadmap and consequently receives 5.3-million-euro funding for the years 2025-2029. This will bolster MAGICS’ efforts to support high-quality…

  • Aalto Creative Demo Day

    Aalto Creative Demo Day

    4.12.2024 | 13-17.30 (UTC +2 / EET)Online & Marsio Stage | Otakaari 2, Espoo Welcome to Aalto Creative Demo Day where this autumn’s creative industry pre-incubator participants take the stage to pitch their business concepts in front of an expert jury. The teams’ versatile startup ideas relate to fashion, extended reality, design, architecture, digital modeling,…

  • Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?

    Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?

    Torstaina 21.11. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Tule Marsioon kuulemaan miltä estetiikan tulevaisuus näyttää tekoälyn aikakaudella. Tällä kertaa panelistimme pohtivat, miten erilaiset algoritmit ja tekoälypohjaiset työkalut muovaavat käsitystämme kauneudesta.
 Keskustelun vetäjänä toimii Sonia Zaki. Asiantuntijapaneelissa mukana ovat:

 Laura Beloff, Professori, Taiteen ja median laitos, Aalto-yliopisto 
Nick Dorra, Toimitusjohtaja/tuottaja, Nick Dorra Tuotanto Oy
Kari Mankinen, Tuottaja/leikkaaja,…

  • ‘Beyond the Hybrid’ book published

    ‘Beyond the Hybrid’ book published

    Beyond the Hybrid – Narratives, New Media Experiments and Speculations Touching Art and Science Knowledge Exchange (Acoustic Space, Volume 20 / Renewable Futures, Issue 5) book was presented at the Symbiotic Sense(s) conference organised by RIXC on 25 October 2024. Editors: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Juhani Tenhunen, Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits. ‘Beyond The Hybrid’ book addresses hybridity’s implications in modern…

  • bioMakerStudio Workshop Series

    bioMakerStudio Workshop Series

    The bioMakerStudio Workshop and Talks Series is a non-profit community engagement initiative funded by the Sustainability Action Booster Grant. Every week, we invite pioneering bio-creatives to share their techniques to you through hands-on workshops! Here, you will find the up-to-date information about the workshops and register! Learn more about the bioMakerStudio or follow us on…

  • Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?

    Miten ratkaista tekoälyn eettiset haasteet?

    Torstaina 31.10. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Aalto-yliopistossa järjestettävässä tapahtumassa keskustellaan tekoälyn vaikutuksista yhteiskuntaan. Tapahtuman juontaa Sonia Zaki. Asiantuntijapaneelissa mukana ovat: Annamari Vänskä, vanhempi yliopistonlehtori, Muotoilun laitos, Aalto-yliopistoLauri Järvilehto, työelämäprofessori, Tuotantotalouden laitos, Aalto-yliopistoMeeri Haataja, toimitusjohtaja, Saidot Tapahtuma tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden kuulla asiantuntijoiden pohdintaa tekoälyn eettisistä haasteista ja niiden mahdollisista ratkaisuista. Miten voimme ehkäistä tekoälyn…

  • Miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkia?

    Miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkia?

    Torstaina 26.9. klo 16.30-18.00 | Marsio, Otakaari 2. Aalto-yliopistossa järjestettävässä paneelikeskustelussa sukellamme syvälle siihen, miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkimaailmaa. Musiikin ja teknologian asiantuntijoista koostuvassa paneelissa mukana ovat Kyösti Salokorpi, Pauli Laine ja Vesa Välimäki. Tapahtuman juontaa Sonia Zaki. Tilaisuus on osa Creative Technologies -tapahtumasarjaa. Tapahtuma tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden kuulla, miten tekoälyä hyödynnetään säveltämisessä, tuottamisessa ja miten…

  • Call for applications: Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme

    Call for applications: Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme

    Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme accepts applications until 16.9.2024. The programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Application form In the programme, participants learn how to develop and protect their business idea, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches. The programme seeks applicants from a creative…

  • Studios Takeout and Väre Takeout to Merge

    Studios Takeout and Väre Takeout to Merge

    As part of our larger moving to Marsio efforts, the equipment lending services of Aalto Studios and ARTS Infra at Väre will join together to become more powerful than ever before. The work begins this spring and we open the new physical location for Aalto Studios Takeout at Marsio and online in Aalto Takeout after…

  • OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    OPEN CALL: Join a Project at GrowLab

    Do you want a space to creatively experiment with growing algae, microbes, or plants? We are looking for two students/researchers to carry out their bio-projects in the DIY GrowLab, which is in development and getting ready to be launched. DEADLINE for applications: Friday May 31 2024 Notification of results by: Friday June 7, 2024 APPLY…

  • Can computers create art? A Creative Technologies event

    Can computers create art? A Creative Technologies event

    In 2024, the question of AI’s creative capability is more current than ever with the quick rise of generative AI tools. Could AI surpass humans as artists in the future? What lies at the intersection of technology and artistic expression? What does a creative process between a human and an algorithm look like? Is all…

  • Siviilipalveluspaikkoja avoinna (Civilian service positions open)

    Siviilipalveluspaikkoja avoinna (Civilian service positions open)

    These positions have been filled, thanks to all the applicants. From time to time, we have positions open for both freelance work and for performing civilian service duties as part of compulsory conscription in Finland.  Right now we’re looking to fill a number of civilian service-type of job positions, so the description is posted in…

  • Moving to Marsio

    Moving to Marsio

    During spring 2024, we will temporarily close many Aalto Studios facilities around campus, as we prepare to reopen them in the new Marsio building later this year. Here you’ll find the latest schedules (subject to change). Closing Harald Herlin Learning Centre Hybrid Stage 2.2.2024 Self Service Studio 7.6.2024 A Pod 7.6.2024 Mini Studio 31.5.2024 VR…

  • Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants

    Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants

    Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants in the programme will acquire skills in business idea development and protection, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches to diverse audiences. The programme seeks applicants from a…

  • EMIL Call-2 Allocates 4.6 Million Euros for XR Projects Across Europe

    EMIL Call-2 Allocates 4.6 Million Euros for XR Projects Across Europe

    European Media and Immersion Lab (EMIL) Funds Groundbreaking eXtended Reality Initiatives The European Media and Immersion Lab (EMIL) has announced the beneficiaries of its second call for proposals, awarding a staggering 4.7 million euros to spearhead 12 innovative XR (extended reality) projects across Europe. This substantial financial injection aims to propel the development of virtual,…

  • Aalto Studios Garage Sale 2024 – Done!

    Aalto Studios Garage Sale 2024 – Done!

    We had a clearance sale of our old gear as we prepare to move a lot of activities to the Marsio building in 2024. The huge Otakaari 5L building hosted our two day sales event, featuring audiovisual production gear, IT equipment and related accessories at unbeatable clearance prices.

  • Creative Demo Day – an official Slush side event on 29.11.

    Creative Demo Day – an official Slush side event on 29.11.

    We welcome you to the Aalto Digital Creatives and Uniarts Hub pre-incubator programmes’ joint Creative Demo Day on November 29 2023 in the Harald Herlin Learning Center at Aalto University, Espoo! Altogether twelve teams or individuals pitch their business ideas to a live and an online audience – and a jury consisting of creative industry…

  • Creative Technologies talk: Beyond the Limits of Human Touch

    Creative Technologies talk: Beyond the Limits of Human Touch

    We welcome you to our next Creative Technologies seminar on the 2nd of November 2023. The theme of the next seminar is Beyond the Limits of Human Touch, and talks in this seminar will be given by Francis McGlone, Professor in Neuroscience, University of Liverpool and Yu Xiao, Associate Professor in Mobile Cloud Computing, Aalto University. The host of…

  • Creative Technologies talk: AI for Games

    Creative Technologies talk: AI for Games

    We welcome you to our next Creative Technologies seminar on the 5th of October 2023. The theme of the next seminar is AI for Games, and talks in this will be given by Sebastian Deterding, Professor at the Imperial College London, and Perttu Hämäläinen, Associate Professor at Aalto University. The host of the event is Christian Guckelsberger,…

  • Creative Technologies talk: Rethinking reality – where is XR heading?

    Creative Technologies talk: Rethinking reality – where is XR heading?

    We welcome you to our next Creative Technologies seminar on the 7th of September 2023. The theme of the next seminar is Rethinking reality – where is XR heading? In this event, talks will be given by Dooley Murphy, XR designer and researcher, and Jussi Mäkinen, Chief Brand Officer of Varjo. Time: Thursday 7.9.2023 | 14.00–16.00 Place: Hybrid Stage,…

  • Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants

    Call for applications: Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator programme is looking for participants

    Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator programme aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on their path towards entrepreneurship. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants in the programme will acquire skills in business idea development and protection, gain networking opportunities, and practice delivering compelling pitches to diverse audiences. The programme seeks applicants from a…

  • Biodesign Diagnostic Co-creation Workshop – focus on needs for change and improvement

    Biodesign Diagnostic Co-creation Workshop – focus on needs for change and improvement

    What is the state of bio-design now, and what could it become in the future? Join the CoCoon Workshop to develop green practices for education, featuring keynote speakers by leading experts working with innovative approaches towards the future of environmentally-sustainable creative societies. The interactive half-day workshop brings together creatives, policymakers, educators, students, and other stakeholders…

  • Creative Technologies talk – Generative AI for Creativity

    Creative Technologies talk – Generative AI for Creativity

    We welcome you to our next Creative Technologies seminar on the 4th of May 2023. The theme of the next seminar is Generative AI for Creativity. In this event, talks will be given by Aaron Hertzmann, principal scientist at Adobe Inc., and Jaakko Lehtinen, associate professor, Department of Computer Science at Aalto University. Time: Thursday 4.5.2023 | 14.00–16.00 Place:Hybrid Stage, Harald…

  • Creative Technologies talk – Knowledge, belief, and otherness

    Creative Technologies talk – Knowledge, belief, and otherness

    We welcome you to our next Creative Technologies seminar. The theme of the next seminar is Knowledge, belief, and otherness. In this event, talks will be given by Laura Beloff, associate professor of visual culture and artistic practices at Aalto University, and artist, researcher Joshua Sofaer. The event will be hosted by Mikko Sams, professor of cognitive neuroscience at…

  • Art & Tech Open Call ’23 Demo Day

    Art & Tech Open Call ’23 Demo Day

    Aalto Studios invites you to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day where you have the chance to find out more about the Open Call ’23 and experience Aalto Studios’ state-of-the-art facilities.   The Art & Tech Open Call ‘23 partners with the City of Helsinki, Yle, AVEK and Genelec to award the winning projects with…

  • Art & Tech Open Call ’23

    Art & Tech Open Call ’23

    Are you an artist, designer, game developer or creative professional with an innovative project that blends technology and art? We are excited to announce the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call ’23, which is designed to support cutting-edge projects that harness the capabilities of digitalisation to fuel the creative industries.  The Aalto Digital…

  • Creative Technologies talk – AI and Creativity

    Creative Technologies talk – AI and Creativity

    Welcome to our next Creative Technologies seminar. The theme of the next seminar is AI and Creativity. In this event, talks will be given by Otso Lähdeoja, Professor of artistic research at Uniarts Helsinki Research Institute and Peter Dalsgaard, Professor of interaction design at Aarhus University. The event will be hosted by Vesa Välimäki, Professor of audio signal processing…

  • Art & Tech Gala 2023

    Art & Tech Gala 2023

    Welcome to the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Gala. In this event, the Art & Tech Open Call winners from 2020-2022 showcase their projects in on-stage presentations and off-stage demos. The annual Art & Tech Open Call offers audiovisual, design, gaming and other cutting-edge projects an opportunity to apply for development funding and a chance to…

  • Creative Technologies talk – New forms of social interaction

    Creative Technologies talk – New forms of social interaction

    Welcome to the first Creative Technologies seminar of the year! The seminar is themed New Forms of Social Interaction. Professor Giulio Jacucci from the University of Helsinki, will present on the topic of affective VR. The second speaker, Assistant Professor Robin Welsch from Aalto University, will address the question of what makes mixed reality social. Time: Thursday 2.2.2023…

  • Aalto Digital Creatives afterwork – Entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries

    Aalto Digital Creatives afterwork – Entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries

    Welcome to the entrepreneurial mindset in the creative industries afterwork event. In this event, creative industry experts discuss the characteristics of creative industry entrepreneurship and the often-looming conflict in combining arts and business. The event includes an introduction of the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program and the Art & Tech Open Call, which both accept applications…

  • Creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications

    Creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications

    The program is looking for individuals or teams with a business idea where creativity meets digital technology. The deadline for applications is on 14.2.2023 and the program runs from March to June.   In March 2022 Aalto University launched the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program which aims to help creative industry students, researchers and practitioners on…

  • Apply for extended reality (XR) funding from the EMIL network

    Apply for extended reality (XR) funding from the EMIL network

    EMIL (European Media and Immersion Laboratory) is a pan-European eXtended Reality (XR) Lab network composed of four major European academic institutions, with a mission to accelerate development of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, content, services and applications. UPF is one of the four nodes that structure EMIL. EMIL has been awarded 5.6 M€ by Horizon…

  • Mediaspace Open Day on Podcast Production and new VR Hub goodness

    Mediaspace Open Day on Podcast Production and new VR Hub goodness

    Join us for an afternoon of learning about services and resources we provide to all Aalto University. On Thursday 8.12 at 14.00, we have these two topics on the menu: Podcast Production Interested in creating a podcast for a course, or a project ? Podcast production at Aalto University can take many paths, each with…

  • Creative Technologies Seminar

    Creative Technologies Seminar

    We warmly welcome you to the Creative Technologies seminar on December 1st 2022 at 14.00. The event is organised in the Harald Herlin Learning Centre on the Hybrid Stage in Makerspace (K-floor) and online. The seminar series brings together researchers and experts from the fields of computational science, creative technologies, arts and design. In each event…

  • Finalizing the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” Project

    Finalizing the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” Project

    We are happy to announce the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” project is complete, and we are ready to share the results. The 34-month-long project was a collaboration between FabLabs from various European countries. It looked at the theories and practices of adult learning built on the FabLab concept. The project brought together…

  • MAGICS-Aalto Community Event

    MAGICS-Aalto Community Event

    Welcome to the second MAGICS community event of this semester! The community gathers together people from the fields of media, arts, games, interaction, computing and science. In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The next event takes place in the Odeion theatre, Maarintie 8, Espoo, on 17 November at 16:00–18:00. The…

  • Civilian Service Opportunities Starting… Now!

    Civilian Service Opportunities Starting… Now!

    The following ad is posted in Finnish, as it provides information on a job position for performing Civilian Service duties at Aalto Studios. AV-Assistentti (Aalto Studios Takeout) Aloituspäivä: Heti Haemme vastuuntuntoista ja aktiivista ihmistä huolehtimaan AV-välineistä  ja -tiloista Aalto Studios:in kalustolainaamossa. Aalto Studios ylläpitää AV-studioita sekä kehittää ja edistää media-alan tutkimusta ja koulutusta. Järjestämme tilaisuuksia,…

  • MAGICS 2022: Be inspired by research!

    MAGICS 2022: Be inspired by research!

    We warmly welcome you to the MAGICS 2022: Be inspired by research! event on the 27 October from 14-16. The event is organised in the Harald Herlin Learning Centre on the Hybrid Stage (K-floor) and online. The purpose of this first MAGICS annual review is to highlight prominent examples of work-in-progress using the environmental scanner…

  • Hybrid Stage Housewarming

    Hybrid Stage Housewarming

    We’re looking forward to seeing you all this Thursday 06.10.2022 at the new state-of-the-art hybrid event stage located on the Harald Herlin Learning Centre K-floor. There is no RSVP to this event. Just drop by, have a look or stay the whole time! Opening Words | 13.00  13:00 – Marcus Korhonen, Director, Aalto Studios13:05 – Kati Hagros, Chief…

  • Creative Technologies Seminar

    Creative Technologies Seminar

    We warmly welcome you to the second Creative Technologies seminar on the 6 October 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised in Harald Herlin Learning Centre on the Hybrid Stage in Makerspace (K-floor) and online. The seminar series brings researchers and experts together from the fields of computational science, creative technologies, arts and design. In…

  • Creative Technologies Seminar

    Creative Technologies Seminar

    We warmly welcome you to the first Creative Technologies seminar on the 8 September 2022 at 14.00 (EEST, GMT+3). The event is organised in V002 Saastamoisen Säätiö, Ekonominaukio 1, Espoo. The seminar series brings researchers and experts together from the fields of computational science, creative technologies, arts and design. In these events you will have a chance…

  • Aalto Digital Creatives info session

    Aalto Digital Creatives info session

    We welcome you to the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program’s info session. Time: Tuesday 30.8.2022 | 11:30–12:30  Place: Aalto Startup Center 1st floor lounge | A Grid, Otakaari 5, Espoo At the info session you have the chance to meet the Aalto Digital Creatives team and find out more about the program’s contents and the…

  • Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications

    Aalto University’s creative industry pre-incubator program is calling for applications

    The program is looking for individuals or teams with a business idea where creativity meets digital technology. The deadline for applications is on 11.9.2022 and the program runs from October to December.   In March 2022 Aalto University launched the Aalto Digital Creatives pre-incubator program which aims to strengthen the creative industries in innovation and entrepreneurial…

  • Looking for an Audio Post-production expert to join us

    Looking for an Audio Post-production expert to join us

    Aalto Studios was looking for an audio and post-production technician. This is a fixed- term position (2 years), starting on 01.10.2022.  Sound and technology are your passions. You can name the series and films with best sound design by the decade from the top of your head. You already know the technical specs of the…

  • Introducing Art & Tech Open Call ’22 finalists

    Introducing Art & Tech Open Call ’22 finalists

    This year, the Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call final takes place on stage at the Media Lab Demo Day event on 1.6.2022. The jury has selected nine projects into the final where each team must give a pitch in front of a live audience. The teams have a short window of three…

  • Hybrid Stage Pilot – Construction Underway

    Hybrid Stage Pilot – Construction Underway

    As one of the developments taking us closer to the future event space, which will be built in Otakaari 2A, the construction of the Hybrid Stage Pilot has started in Harald Herlin Learning Center’s K-floor.  With the Hybrid Stage it will be possible to organize events tailored for simultaneous on-site and online participation. Furthermore, it…

  • Riegl VZ-400i environmental 3D scanner full-day training session

    Riegl VZ-400i environmental 3D scanner full-day training session

    Time: Tuesday 3.5.2022 | 09:00-16/16:30  Place: Aalto Fablab | Otakaari 7, Espoo  Aalto Fablab is hosting a full-day training session where you can learn how to use the Riegl VZ-400i environmental 3D scanner. Register here for the training session. Program: General use of the equipment Use of the scanner work in field measurements RiScan Pro…

  • Fablab user questionnaire prize time!

    Fablab user questionnaire prize time!

    The Aalto Fablab here at Aalto Studios asked their users how they in particular utilize the Fablab and what kind of improvements they’d like to see. For those efforts, a lucky few also received a prize. Congrats to the winners! See this video for the drawing of the lots and the big reveal: For…

  • MAGICS Community Event 21.4.2022

    MAGICS Community Event 21.4.2022

    Time: Thursday 21.4.2022 | 16:00–18:00  Place: A Grid | Mordor  In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The fifth monthly event takes place in the Mordor, A Grid, Otakaari 5, Espoo, on 21 April at 16:00–18:00.  Our purpose is to bring together people from different backgrounds and inspire new…

  • Event: Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day 8.4.2022

    Event: Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day 8.4.2022

    Time: Friday 8.4.2022 | 13:00–15:00  Place: Roihupelto Studios | Laippatie 14, Helsinki  Aalto Studios invites you to the Art & Tech Open Call Demo Day event where you have the chance to find out more about the Art & Tech Open Call 2022 and experience Aalto Studios’ state-of-the-art facilities. The Art & Tech Open Call 2022…

  • Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call 2022

    Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call 2022

    Aalto Digital Creatives Art & Tech Open Call 2022 seeks audiovisual, design, gaming and other cutting-edge projects utilizing digitalization to fuel the creative industries. Applications are encouraged from teams who are prepared to produce a prototype or a demo of their idea.  The projects should further the development of the creative industries (media, film, games, design, architecture…

  • New building, no name. Time for a naming competition!

    New building, no name. Time for a naming competition!

    For a few years now, we’ve been designing a new building to provide media production and event resources for all Aalto University. Finally, in February 2022, ground work on the construction site of Otakaari 2A has begun—right at the center of the Otaniemi campus. We provide more details on our plans on the project page…

  • Introducing Aalto Digital Creatives–a pre-incubator program

    Introducing Aalto Digital Creatives–a pre-incubator program

    Here’s something brand new! Together with Aalto Startup Center and supported by the City of Helsinki, we’re introducing a new program to help students, researchers, designers and artists turn their ideas and work into sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives and businesses. You really have to visit the site to get the full scope of the initiative, but…

  • MAGICS Community Meetings for Spring 2022

    MAGICS Community Meetings for Spring 2022

    In October, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. Our purpose is to bring together people from different backgrounds and inspire new encounters and new ideas through high-level speakers and performers, as well as possibility for open and free discussion. This spring, we’ll continue with a series of events held on 4…

  • Researcher positions in the field of Creative technologies available in Aalto and VTT

    Researcher positions in the field of Creative technologies available in Aalto and VTT

    Are you interested in research on AI x Music and Creativity? The postdoctoral researcher in the Co-Creative Artificial Intelligence of Music project will be developing AI models for digital co-creation processes between humans and machines. The deadline for this application is 01 March 2022. See for more information Are you all about science and…

  • Multiscale Brain Communication opportunities in Italy ??

    Multiscale Brain Communication opportunities in Italy ??

    Our MAGICS initiative is collaborating with Luciano Fadiga at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Ferrara on multidisciplinary research on interaction, involving neuroscientist, psychologists, engineers, scientists, etc. IIT has opened an interesting 2-year position for a postdoc: From their posting: “Art has an astonishing ability to tap on a vast array of feelings and emotions…

  • Celebrating a Decade of Aalto Fablab

    Celebrating a Decade of Aalto Fablab

    Aalto Fablab celebrates 10 years of innovation, participation, digital manufacturing, and creation with an exhibition and a birthday fiesta on the second half of November 2021! Exhibition The Digital Fabrication Showcase 2021 exhibition will display the work that has been produced in and with Aalto Fablab during the past years. It is going to take…

  • Creative Technologies Recruitment

    Creative Technologies Recruitment

    Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Technologies (all areas) at Aalto University, Finland Aalto, one of the most forward-looking universities in the world, is looking for an assistant/associate professor at the intersection of computational sciences and arts or design. Excellent candidates apply novel computational methods to augment human creativity and imagination in a variety of…

  • Job opportunities: Production coordinator & AV tech team leader

    Job opportunities: Production coordinator & AV tech team leader

    (This position has been filled) Aalto Studios was looking for a Production coordinator & AV tech team leader. The position is permanent and starting on 01.11.2021. We may consider an earlier or later starting date depending on the candidate. What is the job about? Coordination, coordination, coordination. Problem solving is your second nature. You do not…

  • Come to create immersive art experiences

    Come to create immersive art experiences

    EMBRACE IMPACT XR HACK-ART-On 30.9.-6.10.2021 Aalto Studios and Helsinki XR Centre are arranging an XR focused hackathon sponsored by Varjo, MAGICS and National Museum of Finland. Embrace Impact fosters the development of artistic XR experiences. Impact starts as a hackathon that lasts from Thursday 30.9. until Tuesday 4.10. It is a co-creation event to generate…

  • New state of the art 3D scanners available

    New state of the art 3D scanners available

    With the help of MAGICS project funding by the Academy of Finland, Aalto Studios has been able to acquire a completely new type of shared technology to support research. One newly received set of devices consists of a Riegl VZ-400i laser scanner and an Artec Leo 3D handheld scanner.  The RIEGL VZ-400i is a cutting-edge 3D Laser Scanning System which combines a future-oriented, innovative new processing architecture…

  • Spherical microphone arrays can provide more natural remote presence in audio-visual art installations

    Spherical microphone arrays can provide more natural remote presence in audio-visual art installations

    The Sound of Silo 468 (Kaikujen Säiliö) is a site-specific immersive sound piece for brass ensemble and live electronics, written for Öljysäiliö 468. Due to the shape and materials of this place, its acoustics are extremely peculiar, with long reverberation times, shimmering echoes and immersive radiating patterns. Sound artist and doctoral student at Aalto University…

  • Job Opportunities: AV Technician

    Job Opportunities: AV Technician

    We’re looking for a person to manage our Audio Visual Equipment Inventory. Aalto Studios is a division of Aalto University and we operate an equipment lending service for all students and faculty. This position has been filled. Thanks to all the applicants! Going forward, if you’d be interested in freelance work, you can leave us…

  • Master’s theses position, topic virtual humans

    Master’s theses position, topic virtual humans

    Recent leaps in technology are rapidly transforming the operating environment of the media. Instead of, and in addition to real humans, virtual humans are appearing in media. The Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) and the MAGICS Aalto research infrastructure are looking for a student for the position of a Master’s thesis worker. The purpose of the…

  • Navigable spatial audio experience with new microphones

    Navigable spatial audio experience with new microphones

    With the help of MAGICS project funding by the Academy of Finland, Aalto Studios has been able to acquire a completely new type of shared technology that supports research. One newly received set of devices consists of Zylia 6DoF ambisonic microphones.  “The Zylia 6DoF VR/AR capturing set is a collection of 9 spherical microphone arrays which can capture the sound field in space from multiple…

  • Be our Assistant Producer

    Be our Assistant Producer

    This position has been filled. But if you’re interested in freelance work, you can fill our Open Application form to leave your contact information for future opportunities. For a short stint between 15.7 – 31.08.2021, a summer job. The duties will include booking the needed resources and personnel (inhouse and external), liaising with the clients…

  • Self Service Studio gets new look and feel!

    Self Service Studio gets new look and feel!

    The renovated Self Service Studio is as a low-threshold digital teaching space for all Aalto University users. Record a lecture or a seminar talk, or conduct an interview in this quiet and professional environment. Something old, plenty new The studio includes everything you need for shooting high-quality video. The robot camera can be adjusted to…

  • Digital literature project now at workshopping stage

    Digital literature project now at workshopping stage

    The Digital Literature Project, organized by Nuoren Voiman Liitto, aims to increase knowledge of digital literature in Finland and internationally during the year 2021. It also offers a platform for professionals in the fields of literature, arts, and programming to meet and find new ways to collaborate. Aalto Studios collaborates in the project as…

  • Siviilipalveluspaikkoja avoinna (Civilian service positions open)

    Siviilipalveluspaikkoja avoinna (Civilian service positions open)

    From time to time, we have positions open for both freelance work and for performing civilian service duties as part of compulsory conscription in Finland. To sign up for either, you can fill our Open Application form to leave us your details. Spesifically, we’re now looking to fill two positions for civilian service-type of jobs,…

  • Aalto Studios Open Call 2021 with AVEK

    Aalto Studios Open Call 2021 with AVEK

    Aalto Studios Open Call seeks audiovisual and gaming productions industry that create new and interesting content by utilizing Aalto Studios’ special technologies. We require an insight into what kind of new content is being sought and what technology to use. It is possible to receive one EUR 6,000 development grant from AVEK as part of…

  • Relaxing entertainment for zoo monkeys

    Relaxing entertainment for zoo monkeys

    Scientists from Aalto University, in collaboration with Korkeasaari Zoo, have designed and built an on-demand video device for white-faced saki monkeys to activate as and when they like. The actual device was developed and built in Aalto Studios Fablab. The device, a tunnel built of plywood and acrylic and equipped with a monitor, camera and…

  • Student assistants for Aalto Studios

    Student assistants for Aalto Studios

    POSITIONS FILLED, thanks to all applicants. For future job opportunities, you can fill our Open Application form. It let’s us know what type of offers you could be contacted with directly. Aalto Studios was looking for 2-4 STUDENTS to complete an inventory project in our equipment lending service (Takeout).   Your role In this role, your…

  • MAGICS – Making telepresence almost authentic

    MAGICS – Making telepresence almost authentic

    Aalto Studios hosting MAGICS tech infrastructure in Aalto University Photo: Sami Perttilä Aalto University, the University of the Arts Helsinki, and Tampere University have received a research infrastructure grant of €2.4 million from the Academy of Finland for the MAGICS project. The universities are forming an infrastructure network to support research into motion recording and…

  • The Digital Literature Project starts – the virtual events introduce digital literature to audience and enhance new digital works

    The Digital Literature Project starts – the virtual events introduce digital literature to audience and enhance new digital works

    Nuoren Voiman Liitto, a Finnish literary society, in partnership with ELKE, Aalto Studios, The Master’s Programme in Writing at University of Arts and Nokturno has received funding for a large scale digital literature project. The project is supported by Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Uusimaa Regional Fund as a Spearhead Project. The Digital Literature Project offers events such as an open…

  • Virtual production in the Mandalorian style

    Virtual production in the Mandalorian style

    How to visit locations and sets that don’t actually exist? How to operate the camera in a greenscreen studio when all you can see is just green? How to understand what the framed composition will finally look like?  ELO Film School Helsinki, Virtual Cinema Lab and Aalto Studios arranged a virtual production workshop in the…

  • Aalto Studios’ Workshops as Laboratories for New Materials

    Aalto Studios’ Workshops as Laboratories for New Materials

    Continues in English below. All photos by Urs Dierker. Aalto Studiosin työpajat uusien materiaalien laboratoriona Aalto Studiosin työpajat tarjoavat monipuolisen ympäristön erilaisille kokeellisille tuotannoille. Esimerkiksi elokuva- ja televisiolavasteiden sekä puvustuksen suunnittelu voi hyötyä aivan uudenlaisella tavalla työpajojen laboratoriomaisesta ympäristöstä. Elokuva- ja tv-tuotannot sinänsä ovat oivallinen ympäristö uudenlaisten materiaalien ja raikkaan designin testaamiselle.  Työpajamme tarjosivat kevään…

  • Aalto Fablab selected in FURNISH Open Call

    Aalto Fablab selected in FURNISH Open Call

    Aalto Fablab’s NOT-19 is one of the four teams selected to participate in the FURNISH (Fast Urban Responses for New Inclusive Spaces & Habitat) project. The goal of the project is to digitally fabricate and deploy urban elements to adapt temporary public spaces to meet the new challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 crisis. …

  • Aalto Studios Open Call grants funding and resources to three projects

    Aalto Studios Open Call grants funding and resources to three projects

    Panorama depicting the Tom of Finland room in The Tom House. Photo: Márton Jelinkó The Aalto Studios Open Call in co-operation with AVEK, The Promotion Center for Audiovisual Culture, has granted funding and resourcing for three extended reality themed projects. ”The House of Tom” produced by the studio Donkey Hotel receives 6000 € of AVEK…

  • Abstracting Archetypes – Costume Design Master Class

    Abstracting Archetypes – Costume Design Master Class

    In the Abstracting Archetypes master class, costume design students brought commedia dell’artes archetypal characters to life through sculptural costumes, put together in Aalto Studios’ costume workshop. The one-week master class was led by the artist Marta Jiménez Salcedo. After a deep understanding of these archetypical personalities and their psychological traits, the students were asked to…

  • Connecting the Dots: an AI Exhibition

    Connecting the Dots: an AI Exhibition

    This exploration of science and art in the world of artificial intelligence, organized by the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and Aalto Digi Platform, was on display in the Dipoli exhibition space from Nov 27th 2019 to Jan 15th 2020. The web site at describes the works in detail and is one of…

  • Workshop: Arri Amira

    Workshop: Arri Amira

    If you would like to learn about the ins and outs of the Arri Amira -camera, Aalto Studios is holding a two-day workshop on 30-31.1.2020. You’ll be learning about the Amira and the supporting camera equipment from a pro, and after the workshop you will be able to book Arri Amira -equipment from Aalto Studios Takeout. The…

  • Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium followed by a concert in Kallio Stage 15.11.

    Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium followed by a concert in Kallio Stage 15.11.

    What does our relationship with music and musical instruments look like today, as digital technologies are enabling new instruments and new interfaces, and intersecting our lives with the ways we interact with them? Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions -symposium brought together expert scholars, artists and practitioners to discuss and explore how these…

  • Master your local Makerspace – Join Fab Academy 2020 at the Aalto Fablab

    Master your local Makerspace – Join Fab Academy 2020 at the Aalto Fablab

    Have you seen them? They are growing in numbers all around the world; spaces for making (almost) anything using computer aided design, digital fabrication, electronics and programming. There might be one in your neighborhood, or in your organization. Whether you’re a user or a manager of a makerspace, there’s always so much to learn. What…

  • Materiaalit valloillaan – Materials in Full Power

    Materiaalit valloillaan – Materials in Full Power

    At the Aalto Studios Gallery, a new exhibition from the costume design students at the Department of Film Television and Scenography. Materials as Expressions in Costume Design Material plays a role in the costume design when building up a role for the actor or actress. The materials in a costume have visual and narrative roles…

  • ELO 60 Costume Exhibition

    ELO 60 Costume Exhibition

    The study and research of Costume Design at Aalto University explores the creation, production and function of costume in all areas of the performing arts and in mediated storytelling. As the Department of Film, Television and Scenography (ELO) celebrates it’s 60th birthday, this exhibition in the Väre Main Lobby highlights a collection of works from…

  • Motion Capture Demo Day

    Motion Capture Demo Day

    Our high end, Hollywood quality motion capture facility at Roihupelto Studios is available to all Aalto University as part of the Aalto Studios resource buffet. Come join us for an open Motion Capture Demo Day, where you get a chance to talk with our experts and find ways to use this Motion Analysis based technology as…

  • Glue Workshop – a customizable platform for collaboration

    Glue Workshop – a customizable platform for collaboration

    You’ve heard about using extended reality for collaboration. Meetings, working together over long distances, experiencing shared spaces. But how exactly do you do that? We’re hosting a workshop on Glue, a platform for virtual face-to-face collaborations in custom environments, on a variety of hardware platforms, such as VR, AR, mobile, and desktop. Matti Pouhakka from Fake…

  • ERASMUS+ funding for FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education

    ERASMUS+ funding for FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education

    The Aalto Fablab here at Aalto Studios is a partner in a new project “FABLABs – New Technologies in Adult Education”, joining Fablab peers from Poland, France, Portugal and Iceland. Coordination is handled by Warsztaty Kultury W Lublinie in Poland, the two year effort starting in November 2019 supported by funding from the Erasmus+ programme.…

  • Educational videos ensures digital transformation at Aalto university

    Educational videos ensures digital transformation at Aalto university

    Video is a very important tool in digitalization of learning and teaching and many programs at Aalto University is looking into developing online learning processes. Many courses are already offering blended learning format teaching – combing both contact and online learning methods. Video production at Aalto University is rising fast, and its, therefore, becoming a…

  • Aalto students project for Prague Quadrennial

    Aalto students project for Prague Quadrennial

    Students from Aalto University will again be attending the 14th edition of the largest international festival of theater and stage design take place from June 6 to 16, 2019 in Prague. Over the course of eleven days, representatives of 79 countries will present at Prague Quadrennial, with over 800 artists from around the world, and…

  • Surface Elaboration Techniques Exhibition

    Surface Elaboration Techniques Exhibition

    During the last weeks Aalto Studios Dyeing Studio and Atelier Classroom, have been full of costume design students following the course Surface Elaboration Techniques. The students have been exploring different dyeing and patinating techniques; everything from creating fake blood and lookalike moss till making textiles look like worn leather. The course ended up with an…

  • FabLab helps startup test product

    FabLab helps startup test product

    The future has arrived – that’s what could be rightfully said about 3D printing and its effect on human lives. As you’re reading this, 3D printers are creating new shapes and consequently shaping our future. In FabLab basement at Otakaari 7, students are able to be a part of this future and on the 4th…

  • Motion Capture Partnership

    Motion Capture Partnership

    Remedy Entertainment is a private developer of action computer games, game franchises and leading edge 3D game technology based in Espoo, Finland. Aalto Studios motion capture specialist Bjarke and Toni visited Remedy ’s motion capture studio to learn more about their work and explain about Aalto Studios’ future plans. Notable games Remedy has developed include…

  • Aalto Studios makes collaboration possible

    Aalto Studios makes collaboration possible

    At Aalto studios at Otakaari 7 students from four different backgrounds are working together to make technology, the body, and cloth work together in harmony. The course is called “Wearable Electronics” and is based on collaboration between costume design, sound design, lighting design, and choreography and is bringing Aalto ARTS and University of the Arts…

  • Game Engines for Artists at Aalto Studios

    Game Engines for Artists at Aalto Studios

    On March 14th from 17:00 – 20:00 the Virtual Cinema Lab invites all interested to a kick-off event at Studio Kipsari at Otakaari 7. Kick-off with peer-to-peer learning The purpose of the event is to enable knowledge exchange & exploration while connecting students, educators, XR enthusiasts, and industry professionals. Game engines are tools available for…

  • Digital Fabrication Studio

    Digital Fabrication Studio

    Digital Fabrication Studio is a course with a focus on rapid prototyping tools such as laser cutters, 3D printers, and CNC routers. Through the course, students are able to learn the fundamentals of digital fabrication. During this one-month intensive course, the attendees will learn what the FabLab is, what tools are available and how to…

  • Workshop: Arri Amira camera

    Workshop: Arri Amira camera

    Are you skilled videographer/cinematographer? Have you used many different kinds of cameras? Then you are probably the right person for Aalto Studios next workshop for Arri Amira camera and supporting camera equipment. The training will be a two-day workshop: 8th and 9th of April. There are still a few seats available for the workshop –…